
Oh Where Oh Where

A figure takes the stage, tonight is was requests she took for songs and she had her line up ready. Another day, another dollar for a good reason. The dress she wore was a long red strapless that flowed down to the ground. She had gotten use to doing this two or three times a week now it no longer bothered her, and the nerves were that but not like the use to be. Holding the mic she waits as the band starts to play, continuing to wait for her intro. Slowly the words come as her voice becomes stronger....

Oh where oh were could my baby be
The lord took him away from me

He's gone to heaven so I've got to be good

So I can see my baby when I'll leave this world

We were out on on the road, I was in my car
We hadn't driven very far
There in the road
Straight ahead
A car was stalled the engine was dead

I couldn't stop
So I swerved to the right
I'll never forget the sound that night

The screamin tires

The busting glass

The Painfull scream that I heard last.

Continuing to hold Kyle close Alice musters a little chuckle though it hurts a little bit. Everything felt like it was spinning at the moment, her own eyes wanted to close but she couldn't let them. She could have a concussion, sleeping would be bad, not only that she had to be awake for Kyle.

"Yeah. Once we will go once we get a chance. Take a break and get to a fair or even an amusement park. We..will have a great time."

Oh where oh were could my baby be
The lord took him away from me
He's gone to heaven so I've got to be good
So I can see my baby when I'll leave this world

When I woke up
The rain was pouring down
There were people standing all around

Something warm falling into my eyes

But some how I found my baby that night

I lifted his head He looked at me and said
Hold me darling just alittle while

I held him close
I kissed him our last kiss
I found the love I knew I had missed

but now he's gone
even though I hold him tight
I lost my love, my life that night

"You gotta hold on Kyle...ok..."

Alice breaks in a shart breath as she runs a hand through Kyle's hair. His words sinking into her and a tear forms in her eye. Please God, Don't take him from me too.

"I'm not going to leave Kyle, I promise. I am going to be right here for you, I always will when you call my name."

Choking on her words and playing Kyle's words in her head it was almost like one love had finally die, was let go, and now a new worm feeling was entering her heart only to once again maybe be lost.

"I love you to Kyle hang in there for me ok? Don't you leave me too."

Oh where oh were could my baby be
The lord took him away from me

He's gone to heaven so I've got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world




Leaning her head down onto Kyle's matted wet hair Alice dosnt care she just wanted to be close to Kyle. To feel him and let him feel her. As the parametric comes over and shines the light on them Alice closes her eyes a little, the light was bright and her eyes were glossy reflecting the light.

"No..No its just us. I...I don't, please just worry about him first. He needs more help than me. Please don't let him die."

Alice's body felt cold, as the tingles continues through her body but she didn't know what hurt more her body or her heart.




...As the music slowly dies away the voice slowly dies as well, as the melody becomes softer and softer. Finally the song was over, and the crowd cheered enjoy the voice the heard, enjoying the song. Slowly giving a wave and a big smile the figure moves off the stage.

Moving slowly beside her brother Rosetta rests her hand on Jeff's shoulder keeping her brother calm. She hurt, and felt bad for Katie Rosetta new she would take it hard.

"Katie has always kept to herself when she is upset. Since she was a little girl. I am sure she had already found someplace to hide. I don't know what to do for her Jeff."

Looking over at her brother she new he felt bad, though she couldnt see as deep as Katie could she could still read people well and new her brother hated seeing Katie like this too.

"I'll have Mick go look for her if she doesn't come back in an hour to lunch ok? It will be ok Jeff."

Running past Trent Katie doesn't even stop she aimed for the barn. As a child this was her hideaway so no one could find her when she was upset and with any luck no one new about it yet.

Opening the door the tears still streamed from Katie's eyes as her head pounded. Sipping past most of the ranch hands so she wasn't seen Katie makes her way all the way to the back. Moving some bords Katie pulls a ladder down and climes up moving a few more boards to open a room in the roof.

Climbing up and moving the boreds back in place Katie crawls across the floor before standing. Looking around the room she was thankful no one had found her hideaway. Paint splatterd the walls, and string objects hung from the ceiling. A few posters lined the wall and a arm chair was in on corner. Making her way over to the chair Katie sinks down in it curling up. Continuing to try and mind darted from one thing to the next as her mind couldnt land on anything.

Why did this have to happen to her? It never settled down, from one thing to the next it never seemed to end and it almost felt like she was losing everyone, and the light at the end of the tunnel was moving farther away.

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