
Time alone

The paramedic is very gentle, continuing to talk to both Alice and Kyle, though Kyle had stopped responding. Joined by another medic, the two get Kyle on a stretcher, and lead Alice to one of the waiting ambulances too. Below the ditch on a small plateau, a helicopter lands. There were those that needed more immediate help than a driven vehicle could provide.

Everything seemed to move by in a blur. Voices, lights, motion, noise. It all felt like a bad dream, but it was so very real. The scenery speeding by, the sudden stops and the hospital staff rushing to meet the vehicles.

The lights inside were bright and the chaos seemed to persist. There were questions and orders and more questions. Everyone seemed to be split up and no one knew where the others were.

Until finally, things start to slow. The ER seemed full with parts of Break Out who were not as badly injured - those who were together would not be admitted, once they were looked after. Hunter had some cuts and bruises, but otherwise was fine. Chloe had received a badly sprained ankle to go along with her scrapes. Shawn came away with fifteen stitches on the side of his head and a fractured wrist. The doctors looked after Alice as well, bandaging the bump to her head and wanting her to stay for a few hours just to make sure she would be alright from the light concussion and the cuts and bruises that were cleaned and dressed.

Some of the team was not as fortunate.

Heath had broken his leg in two places and would have to go through surgery in the morning to repair some of the damage. He would be staying in the hospital for at least a week. Jordan had a broken collar bone, but it was the head injury the doctors were concerned about, admitting him for at least one night, preferably two. Myla had broken her arm and several ribs - a neck injury would keep her fairly immobile, along with a badly sprained wrist. Kyle had made it out with a couple broken ribs and a gash that ran from his shoulder and down his side, requiring more stitches than anyone would care to admit. More stitches were needed for a deep cut above his eye, but the doctor was confident that after tonight, he would be free to go.

Blake was the worst, and had yet to wake up. Internal injuries had been the greatest concern, on top of a dislocated shoulder. He had already endured several hours of surgery and now was resting, but the doctors did not know when he would wake up. How long he would have to stay was unknown.

Kyle stood at the window of the small room he was sharing with Heath. He had refused to lay in bed, despite the nurse's orders, and had also refused hospital garb. Putting up enough of a fight, the doctor had given up, figuring he would probably wind up ripping stitches out if they tried to force him into anything. So now he stood, looking out over the dark city, his eyes blank as his mind tried to block out his pain. He'd heard about the others, and was waiting to see them when he could. But nothing would change the one unspoken fact: Break Out's year was over.

Back in the ER, one of the doctors explains to that part of the group that they are free to visit their friends, and gives them the room numbers. It was a strange quiet that came after that. No one really knew what to do or what to say. Only Jordan seemed to know exactly who he needed to talk to - his wife - and was allowed to do so before being returned to his own room for the night.

Jeff sighs deeply, accepting Rosetta's comfort. The only problem was that it wasn't going to be okay... not right now anyway. He grits his teeth in an attempt to control his emotions and nods. "Yeah... okay. I'll let her go. I just... want to spend time with her when she's ready. Sometimes you just..." He stops, turning to look into his sister's eyes. "Sometimes you just realize how important spending time together is when life is so... short."

Feeling dizzy, he relents to turning back inside and finding a seat at the table where he would spend lunchtime and much of the afternoon...

"...did you find her?" Jeff looks up expectantly at Mick, who had joined the group in the dining hall for supper, though he was late.

Mick shakes his head. "No... but I think I might know where she is."

Jeff should have been in bed hours ago, according to the way he felt, but he'd stayed in here all day...waiting. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I heard some movement up above the loft in the barn." Mick eases down in a chair, turning to give his wife a kiss as he's given his plate of supper.

"And you didn't go look for her??"

Mick sighs and looks back to Jeff. "No. I figured she needed the time alone. She's fine, Jeff... she knows how to take care of herself around here."

Jeff looks down and shoves away his food that he'd barely touched. Maybe he should just go to bed. He'd already done enough damage for one day.

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