

*Katie smiles at Con and nods. He was her big brother she always new she could come to him with anything and he would truly give his say on things.*

"Ya I think I would like that. I just need to run and let someone know lunch will be alittle later today. I'll meet you out by your car?"

*Kaite grabs her jacket and purse and makes her way to Scott's desk.*

"Hey Scott, I know you said you would be in the lunch room around noon, but I am going to be runing out with Con fast. I'll be backa round 1:30 for lunch than if you happen to be around or in the naborhood of the breakroom at the time."

*Katie gives Scott a hint wink. Before turning she snickers.*

"Try not to hurt youself while I am gone ok?"

*Turning Katie makes her way out of TJY and hopes into Con car.*

*Misty laughs and smiles at Carson thumbing at Rick.*

"Ya know he does have a point."

*Lockheart thinks for a moment before answering. She had a good long chanse to study Brown. His eyes, his movments, his words.*

"From what I can tell Brown is pritty trust worthy. He seems like he really wants to help us. From what I could see his eyes were clean and his words pure. I think we stand a good chanse in this after all Reese."

*Rosetta enbraces Mick in a tight hug she cant help but smile a few tears of joy escaping her eyes. How she loved Mick's arm wraped around her they always made her feel safe and warm. Starting a family so soon would be differnt and at times even trying but Rosetta was ready to face the challange head on.*

"Yes Mick, I would be ok with it. How could I deny my two fav guys?!"

*Rosetta pulls away from Mick and just looks him in the eyes for a long while. There would be much that needed to be talked about in the next few days, and alot of stuff that would need to be gone over and planed in a hurry. Though Rosetta was scaired cuz things were going to be moving fast she was even more excited. She finally would be married to the man she wanted so long for. Her dream come true. and the family she always wanted.*

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