

*As Katie starts to eat she watches the two guys interact and smiles laughing here and there. As Scott belches Katie's eyes go wide for a moment. After the saprise wairs off Katie grabs the pen from her pocket and her napkin and jots something down. Holding it over her head she smiles. On the napkin there are 2 10's and a 9. In a joking anouncer voice Katie replys.*

"Ladys and gental men we have 2 10's and a 9 across the board. This should put alot of pressure on Wyatt now. Scott is on his tail and catching up fast. Wyatt will have to do extreamly well to stay in the lead."

*Katie puts the napkin down she turns her head and smiles at Scott than turns her head to Wyatt. Grabing her MD bottle Katie brings it to her mouth as if it was a mic and starts to whisper.*

"The crowd had gone silent now, leting Wyatt be able to consintract. Everyone is waiting in antisapation, Scott is also on the edge of his seat waiting to see if he will remain the champ this year."

*Katie smerks at both guys.*

*Jamie smiles up at Con and locks arms with him. Reaching into his pocket she takes his phone and puts it on vibrate and than in her purse.*

"Just making sure we dont get intarupted this time. I want you to myself today."

*Jamie smiles and heads out with Con."

*Nate is deep in though when he hears Laura scream. His heart races as in moment he is up out of his chair and running across the road as fast as he can jumping over and dodging anything in his way. Running up to Laura he puts a hand on his shoulder*

"Laura, Laura...whats wrong are you ok..? Whats going on?"

*Fear corses though Nate as her looks over Laura to make sure she is ok.*

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