
Half day

*Katie cant help but laugh alittle at Con's saprise as they pull into the parking lot of TJY again.*

"He's really sweet once you get to know him, and get past his...mishaps."

*Katie cant help but smile with what happend with the chair this morning. As they park the car Katie turns to Con with all serouseness.*

"Con please to tell anyone about what I have told you. Not yet. I want to get everything stratend out and done right before it blows up in my face."

*Steping out of the car Katie heads inside to TJY. It was 1:30 exacly and time for lunch. Heading over to Scotts cubicle she notes he is not there. Figuring he eather got real hungry or was fixing something Katie smiles and shakes her head decieding to head to the breakroom first. Drawing closer she can hear Scott and Wyatt's voice. Entering Katie gives a wave.*

"Hey guys. Mind if I join ya both?"

*Katie new Scott wouldent mind but she dident want to intarupt Wyatt if they were talking about anything important. Heading over to the fridge Katie pulls out some left over chicken from the night before and pops it in the microwave waiting for it to come out. After it is done Katie heads over to the table and sits down at the end closes to Wyatt and Scott.*

"Hows everything going while I was away? Any news from Reese and Lockheart yet?"

*Katie smiles and digs into her food.*

*As Jamie sees Con enter TJY again she smiles and goes over to him giving him a hug.*

"I thought you would never get back and my tummy was going to eat itself.. I got the ok to take the rest of the day off, maybe we can do someting befor you have to head in."

*Jamie smiles up as Con with her big green eyes stairing into his.*

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