

*Katie lets out a sigh as she continues to look out the window. The words Con spoke though trying to bring her comfort really dident. At the sound of Con telling her she was giving up on Jason made her cringe and made her heart ack even more.*

"I'm not giving up on him Con. He did that himself. I've known Jason for a long time now and I know you have to. But I've seen parts of him no one alse has. The depth of his soul is endless, and He's not just going to change in the snap of the fingers when he gets out. I know him and thats not him and you know it as much as I do. I delt with him befor at the ranch when he was the old Jason, and I ended up leaving than to. Now everythings changed and since seeing him as the man I loved I dont know if I could deal or handle the old Jason again Con."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and wonders herself if she wes jumping to fast. Maybe she was but she couldent help deny the pull she had twords Scott to her it felt right. She was sad and it was going to be hard. It was starting to be hard already. The pull in both directions, the pain of the words spoken by many.

Katie trys to hide the tears that were forming in her eyes. The eyes that showed she was in great pain. Torn. Confused.*

"Con, I'll give him some time to see if he changes back before as I know your thinking make any rash desitions. ok? If the Jason I love did come back, I would be very happy and thrilled."

*Katie looks away from Con and out the front window. The sky had opened up and rain was starting to fall even though it was sunny. As Katie watched the drops she couldent help but feel that was what was going on inside her as well. The sun was out, but the rain, they tears there were still there. As Con mentions Wyatt Katie's eyes grow wide as she shakes her head.*

"No Con Its not Wyatt. Its someone alse. Someone I dident even exspect. He came out of no where. Its not like I saw him and was like...OMG i want to date him Con. I just...we went out as friends..and I dont know what happend."

*Katie lets out a sigh hesatating for a moment not sure how Con would react. She new he probley would be saprised to find out Katie would find intrest in someone like Scott. Shaking her fear she decieds to just tell him he was her best friend and she dident want to hide stuff from him. She had confadince he wouldent say anything to anyone.*

"It's Scott Con."

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