
2 people

*Katie is silent for a long moment. Just leting Con's question linger. Her feelings were all messed up, and it was always hard for her to shair.*

"Things are so crazy right now Con I dont even know where to start. I know you would say just start at the biginning."

*Katie lets out a long sigh as she collects her thoughts. She new with Con if she dident word something right he would know what she ment anyways. But Katie wanted to try and get it right at least alittle bit. Katie stairs out the window as she talks.*

"Over the last few months Jason has been changing. I know thats to be exspected cuz he's in jail and all I dont blame him. Its just...he's goten cold with me. His letters, the way he talks, the way he acts. He's shuting down again and shuting me out driving my "Ability" to go haywire. Its like running running running and slaming into a brick wall. And it dosent feel good at all. The other day when I was really sick that was from my feelings being blocked. A broken heart, a broken soul. He's turning back into the old Jason and when he gets out is he going to change back into the man I fell in love with? Something tells me he wont and it hurts alot. The one I first met when you came to the ranch. I probley sound crazy or something I dont know its just hard to explain.*

*Katie keeps her eyes out the window trying to decied if she should go on or not. She might as well keep going on, Con was like a brother to her and he would always love her life a sister no matter what she did and Katie new that. Con was one of her best friends.*

"There has also been someone new who has entered my life. He's been there for me, and tryed to comfort me all he can. He's made me smile alot, and I dont know he's just differnt. There is a certin peace about him. This is hard to explain too. umm...have you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what its like in this situation kind of. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going. Its just complacated. I love Jason on one hand and I want to stick it out with him but I cant handle how he has changed her not the Jason I feel in love with and on the other had I have this totally differnt guy who's elped me, showed me a side of himself I never new, and he truly cares for me and he is just differnt. The feeling with him is differnt."

*Katie lets out a long tired side now knowing if what she is saying is making sence or not. Katie rolls down her window alittle enjoying the warm breeze. She hadent spent time with Con in a long time. She had been wrapped up so much in everything Katie failed to stop and feeling the finer things in life. She had missed so much.*

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