

Looking up at Ryder Thirteen was happen to see him, but on the other hand was not. Now that he found her he would take her back.

"Please...don't take me back there. I'm not an animal that can be caged anymore. You taught me that."

Giving another sneeze Thirteen felt so weak. It was plan to see she was sick. After everything she had been through after being at the Agency so long her body was not use to the stress, and the atmosphere of being outside. Now the rain added on top just pushed her over, and the cold had set in.

Trying her best to look up at Ryder again Thirteen trys to smile a little but she felt so cold. Sneezing again and than another cough she takes Ryder's hand in her own as she shakes, from the cold, and from fear.

"I'm sorry I ran away."

Before she can say more Thirteen fall forward from the swing not able to hold herself up anymore as she lands in Ryder's arms.

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