
Different voice

Brown listens to Thirteen and cocks his head thoughtfully while he listens. When she's finished, the office grows quiet until Brown finally leans forward, resting his elbows on his desk. "Well, young lady... I don't like anybody getting caught in the system. And... from what I can tell, you've supplied us with all the information you can. As far as I know, there is no proof of intentional illegal activity so... what I can do is put in a special request for you that the charges be dropped and the file closed so that you will be free to live your life."

Ryder can't help that his eyes widen slightly. Though he'd acted confidently, he hadn't really thought that Brown would actually help in this capacity. "How long will that take?"

"Depends on if I can get the request to go through. But... since things are so busy, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't take long just because it's not a priority."

"That's great. Um... thank you. Is there anything else we can do?"

"Well what do you plan to do with the little lady in the meantime?"

Ryder glances to Thirteen, then back to Brown. "I have a few things in mind. There's an empty couch I know of at the moment, and pretty soon an empty bed too. I want to give Thirteen a fighting chance."

Brown's gentle smile returns and he nods. "I've got three daughters. I understand. I'll be in touch."

Ryder takes his cue to rise, and lets Thirteen stand with him. "Thank you..."

"Don't thank me yet. Just take care of her."

"Oh... one more thing?" Ryder turns back around. "Do you think you could tell Reese it's alright to have Thirteen in my care?"

"I think I can do that." Brown chuckles. "I admire your determination. Hang in there."

Once Ryder and Thirteen are outside again by the car, he slips his arm around her shoulders to give her a little squeeze. "You did good."

Dani leaves the restaurant with a smile on her face and a hand on Dalton's arm. He was such a gentleman. She'd known he was nice, but she hadn't known he was THIS nice. It made her smile, just thinking of him being so soft and careful with her, when he was so big.

The ride back to the apartment seems too quick, and when they're parked, Dani waits a moment before getting out. She turns to look at Dalton, quiet for several seconds. "Thank you... I needed that boost today and... I'll look forward to that run in the park."

She slips him a piece of paper with her cell phone number on it. "Just let me know when."

Hearing Hope's voice on the other end of the line, Gunner gives a low growl of frustration. "You do realize that this whole thing is stupid, don't you?" He gets up from the couch, walking across the room as he talks. "I'm getting paid to be a babysitter," he grumbles. "Just quit jumping through the Elite hoops... you of all people could get away with more than this."

There's a long pause with muffled background noise and bumps and bangs. One might think they'd been disconnected. But finally a voice comes back. But it's not Gunner this time.

Scott quirks an eyebrow, having no idea why Gunner had handed him his cell phone. He rolls over to prop himself on his elbow while on his bed, his other hand stroking Domino's head.


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