

Seeing Henry enter the room Thirteen puts her hand down slowly to let the cat sniff her hand.

"Hi Henry your pretty kitty."

Feeling Henry jump up on the couch after Ryder had put her down she pets his few. How soft he felt under his finger tips.

Bringing her attachen to Ryder again Thirteen just thinks about what he said trying to process everything in her own mind.

For a moment Thirteen thinks. If she didnt stay at TJY anymore and she couldn't stay with Ryder where would she go.

"Hmmm...Ryder? If I don't stay at TJY and I cant stay with you where will I go?"

Moving from the couch Thirteen stands and takes the blanket she was using and folds it draping it back over the back before taking her cup and putting it into the sink before coming back into the livingroom where Ryder was.

"I'll come with you. Maybe....if your friend at the station see me he will see I am no threat and if he has any questions I can answer them. I'm not scaired, you will be there with me."

Smiling from across the table one who new Dalton at all would know it was very rare to see the light that was now on his face.

Not to mention Dalton himself was not use to having someone who was so interested in him and not concerned with his looks. It was strange trying to find something to talk about other than work.

"Well I'd tell you to come running with me and I would stop for breathers with you but...I don't think you could keep up. My legs are pretty long."

Dalton cant help the chuckle that escapes his lips as he takes a bite of his food. It had been a long time since he has Chinese and it tasted like heaven.

"..I like walks though."

Looking down at his plate and than back up at Dani Dalton look was more on a serious side now, but the smile still twinkled in his eye.

"Thanks Dani for coming to lunch with me. I'm having a nice time even if we feel a little awkward."

Opening her door for the daily mail Hope hears the ploop of something outside the door. Looking down and seeing the envilope a smile comes to her lips....

...Finishing the last letter Hope cant help but whipe a tear from her eye but not one of sadness but one of happyness and an honnor like no other.

Scott was well and that made Hope happy to know. Sitting in her chair she wondered. Gunner, yes he was the one with Scott could it have been him who droped the letters?

Grabbing the phone Hope waits for someone to answer hoping it would be the one she wanted. Hearing Susanne's voice Hope can only thank the lord for her answer prayers.

"Hi Susanne, its Hope Garrison. I was wondering if you could give me Gunner's number so I could see how Scott was doing!"

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