
How sweet

Listing intently to Brown, Thirteen didnt feel as nervous about him anymore. His eyes were bright, and he seemed very calm and nice.

Thirteen's own eyes light up as she hears Brown talk about getting her charges dropped, and not having to stay at TJY anymore. For some reason she didnt think it would be quite this easy.

Standing when Ryder does Thirteen holds her hand out to Brown for a handshake a smile had formed on her lips as she gives a little sniff her hold still hanging on.

"Thank you so much Sir."

Following Ryder outside Thirteen slips her hand into his again as she smiled at him. His compliment making her feel good.

"So did you, thank you Ryder for everything."

Getting into the truck once again Thirteen couldnt help but feel a little excited now. Things would be differnt, Ryder said so. She would be normal now like she always wanted to be.

"So now what?"

Holding Dani's number in his hand Dalton felt a little strange for a moment. He almost felt like a little kid with a crush. Not letting the feeling hang around for to long Dalton looks up at Dani and lets the courners of his mouth turn up in a smile.

"I will call you, that you can bet on."

Reaching out Dalton gentily runs a hand down the side of Dani's face letting it linger for a moment before retreating.

"I am happy I could make you smile today. For once I returned the favor."

Shocked for a moment at Gunner's outburst Hope is taken back and for a second wondered if it was a good idea calling at all.

Listing to the muffled sound in the background Hope was about to hang up thinking maybe Gunner was going to be disconnected from him, but as she is about to hang up the phone a new voice is hurd.

How sweet it sounded to hear Scott's voice and how it made her heart jump. She wasnt ashamed to addmit she had missed the sound of it.

"I had so much I wanted to say to you, but now that your on the other line I think I would just rather listen to your sweet voice talk. Oh how I missed it. How are you sweetheart?"

Thought Scott couldnt see her Hope was smiling as her cheeks started to hurt but the pain when unoticed.

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