

Leo grins at Ryan, his hands full as he helped her with the food, but he enjoys the kiss, shown through the twinkle in his eye.

“Yeah… we wouldn’t want our secret to get out,” he teases, sliding off the car. “Go see Axel, but come back quick. I can’t hold the guys off extra food for long.”

Ambling back inside, Leo heads to the break room where a couple of the others were just clocking out for lunch.

“Hey, Leo…” Ron pulls out a chair at the table. “Heard you asking Ryan to go out again tonight.”

“Sure, why not? That’s usually what guys do with their girlfriends.”

Ron gives him a little smirk. “Don’t you think you should slow down a bit? I mean… how often are you together?”

“A lot.” Leo grins.

“Just… be careful, alright?”

Leo quirks an eyebrow at Ron’s oddly serious tone. “Um… yeah, sure.”

“I mean, it Leo. Just take it easy. Fast isn’t always best.”

“Well what’s wrong with Ryan and me? You got a problem or what?”

“No.” Ron shakes his head quickly. “I just… don’t want you getting hurt.”

“Hurt? Me?” Leo rolls his eyes and blows a raspberry. “I don’t know where you come up with this stuff, but Ryan and me, we’re tight. So just quit trying to think up bad stuff. It doesn’t become you.”

Now it’s Ron’s turn to roll his eyes as he reaches for the food. His eyes catch those of Miles, but neither men say any more.

Hearing someone at the door, Axel heads in that direction, book in hand. He has to read the last couple lines of the paragraph before setting it down and opening the door with his good hand. Seeing Ryan, he smile. “Hey there.”

His eyes catch sight of the food. “Ya know… in a few weeks, I’m not even gonna be getting paid anymore, so you do realize I shouldn’t really have this privilege, right?”

The corner of his mouth upturns though, showing he was grateful, and missed being down in the shop more than he’d admit.

Luke and Sparky are both solemn as they’re left alone. They catch each others’ eyes, afraid to acknowledge what Angel had just said to them.

Sparky swallows hard and sinks into a chair, just looking at Jeff, knowing that time was slipping by way too quickly.

Jeff writhes in bed, suffering through the waves of pain that hit him. Once, Luke and Sparky both have to help get him to the bathroom to throw up before bringing him back again. By now, he’s even more exhausted. That morning’s excursion had just been too much, and it had tipped the scales. He lies on the bed, lethargic and shaking from cold chills developed from his fever. He just wanted it to be over.

Rick furrows his brow, confused. “Well… I don’t know. I mean, something is wrong, look. The blood had to have been mixed up or tampered with or something.” He points to the analysis. “Otherwise, Jeff is Katie’s father and we all know that’s not true. I think you’re right… I think Angel should send me a new vile of Jeff’s blood.”

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