
Head back

Angel gives a small nod to Jeff and a light pat to the arm as she does her best to smile. The tears still present in her eye.

"I'll see if I can find her and let her know you want to see her ok?"

Looking to Luke and Sparky Angel stands and keeps her voice down.

"I'm going to go find Katie, I need one of you if not both to stay here and just watch over Jeff ok? I fear the time is coming sooner than we all wanted."

Turning Angel slowly making her way out of the bunk house before taking another look back at Jeff.

Hearing Rick call her Misty looks up from her desk and thinks for a long moment before standing and going to the small fridge pulling out Jay's blood sample.

"I guess its possable, but Jay's is right here. I was extra careful when I put the labels on the blood knowing we might do tests on them later. I'm ninty-five percent sure I didnt mix them up. We could always have Angel send us another sample though to be sure though."

Misty comes over to Rick leaning over his shoulder a little to look at what he was looking at.

"Why whats wrong?"

"Leo, you realize if you don't get your head back into work your not going to have a head right?"

Bending down into the back of her car Ryan grabs the bags that held lunch for everyone before shoving the drinks twords Leo and than going to the car once to get more of the food. Giving a small roll of her eyes and a long sigh that Leo could not hear.

She enjoyed spending time with him, and she liked the attachen, but this would be the fith day in a row they did something together. But how could she turn down Leo? Turning her head to look at him outside the window on the hood of her car. She was falling for him, it hadnt started out the way but now, it was happening.

Setting the food down next to Leo, Ryan positions herself in front of Leo and gives a smile pulling him twords her and planting a long kiss on his lips. Finally backing away Ryan gives a shake of her head.

"You know one of these nights I am going to need some alone time, but tonight I think I can deal with your company again. The movies sounds great. Now lets bring this food in before everyone thinks we are dating or something."

Ryan throws a wink to Leo, everyone already did know. It was kind of hard not to when Leo went around telling everyone.

"I'm gonna bring Axel up his food, I'll be back."

Giving a smile and wink Ryan grabs the bad from next to Leo and heads to the steps that lead to Axel's apartment.

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