

Jeff finally nods a little and sinks back in total exhaustion. He'd thought he had felt bad before... he thought he'd felt weak before... but nothing compared to this.

Feeling the shot, he doesn't even flinch. He'd had so many shots lately... he hardly felt them anymore. "Angel..." His voice was quieter as he struggled to keep his eyes open and his mind alert. "Can you get... Katie?"

"Great." Reese is satisfied with Hope's response. "Let's say... tomorrow at... one? I'll make sure Gunner is here."

Rick works with the computer, staring at the blood analysis and trying to make sense of it. Maybe Katie was partially right... something did seem similar here to the drug that may have caused her and Jason's peculiar reaction, but if it had originated as such, it was a very different strain. But that wasn't what he was looking at, at the moment.

He looks at one chart, then the other. Jeff's chart... then Katie's. Something didn't seem right. He checks the vials and looks at the labels to make sure he hadn't missed something. "Hey, Misty... could we have mixed up Jay and Jeff's blood samples?" No, that couldn't be right, since the analysis showed the development of some foreign poison or the like. "Or... somehow combined? This doesn't make any sense."

"...And.... I got tickets to the movie you wanted to see." Leo slides on the car's hood in front of Ryan, holding up the tickets as he grins wide. Last night, it had been dinner. The day before it had been lunch. The night before that, it had been the races. It was quite apparent to everyone around him that his flirting with Ryan had moved up a notch. He was now more worried about him and her, than he was about working on the cars.

"So, what do ya say? I saw we both get off work at seven tonight."

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