

Katie was about to kid around with Jason some more about harassing Rick but she is cut of to soon.

"Oh, ok than..."

Hearing the phone go dead she didn't even get a change to finish what she was saying but it slips out quietly anyways.

"I love you...Bye."

Closing her phone and stuffing it back in her pocket Katie grabs her hoodie again and heads out of the bunk house. She better head to the dinning hall before everyone wondered to much where she was.

Angel looks down at her friend and her heart broke. It was always hard to see anyone pass on, but to have a friend, someone so close leave this world even if you new it was to a better place was hard.

"I wont make you stay in bed any longer than an hour ok please for me?"

She just wanted him to rest, for a little bit. Leaning in close Angel administers the drugs. This would make Jeff comfortable for now.

"Your not going to lay here and get worse Jeff, your not going to die like this. Its only for an hour so you can rest. Its the best thing right now. ok?"

Hope continues to write as Reese talks taking in everything he says. The wheels in her head started to turn as she though about how she would handle it and how she would have to do things a little differently than normal.

"Its best if I do it tomarrow, will give me a day to think about it, get to know Gunner from what you have told me, and figure out how I am going to help him."

Placing the papers down on the table Hope was a little nervouse but not because of Gunner but because this was a whole new level than what she was use to.

"I'll have to adjust to doing things a little diffrintly for the time being but there is hope for everyone in my eyes."

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