
Poco Uno

Angelica lets out a long sigh and puts her pad back into her brefcase. Hurt that turned to anger was what replaces the fear that was inside Mackenzie and how it hurt for Angelica to see that. She had been a child once who had grown cold over time and he new it was hard.

"No sweet heart I cant, and if you dont talk to me before this court date than your dad will go to jail for a very long time, and it will make many people sad including yourself because you could of stoped it."

Taking a business card from her brefcase and a small phone out Angelica had been prepared for this. Pushing them twords Mackenzie a smile still once her face.

"Hide these inside your shirt and Heather wont know you have them. If you change you mind or need help call me any time."

Shutting her brefcase and standing Angelica takes one more glance at Mackenzie.

"Dont let that hurt and anger stay around for to long or you will end up turning cold. Your to young Poco uno, to have a life like that."

Heading away from Mackenzie Angelica slowly makes her way to the doors she had come in.

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