

Returning Heather's handshake Angelica gives a nod eyeing her for a moment. The lady now that stood infront of her certinly didnt match the voice that had been over the phone.

"When time is limited your right I dont wast time."

Angelica keeps her talk with Heather short, and not giving much info about really anything. It was not Heather she had come to talk to.

Sighing quickly she was happy that, that had not been a hassle but this all seemed to easy and wondered where the snag would come into play.

Entering the room Anglice gives a smile to Mackenzie and a slight nod. There was no doubt that this child was Carson's. She had his eyes, she had his blonde hair, she looked just like him.

Angelica's eyes follow Mackenzie's and Heather's interaction finding it a bit strange how they were to eachother but soaking it all in anyways. Finally as Heather leaves Angelica just watches as she leaves the room turning and following her. Removing the object the held the door open Angelica smiles as she states.

"I require privesy, and quiet with the child. You can stand outside the door but for lawer matters this door will be shut. Surly someone like you Ms. Jones would know and understand than."

Shutting the door Angelica goes back to the table and sits down across from Mackenzie still giving she soft smile. Not saying anything right away she just studys the girl for a moment before finally talking.

"Mackenzie, I am guessing Ms. Jones told you why I am here? I'm representng your father. In other words he asked for me help to try and clear his name from the charges of kidnapping you."

Angelica draws silent again for a moment just letting what she said for a moment to sink in and if Mackenzie wanted to throw in some of her own questions she could. By looking at her Angelica new she was a smart girl there was much intelagince in her eyes.

"If I can I'd like to ask you a few questions, and if you like you can ask me some as well. Is that ok?"

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