

Giving a nod to Mackenzie Angelica continues to smile knowing this was probley hard for the small girl. Going through something like this was hard for anyone non the less a child.

"Well first I want to tell you that I'd like to help you dad as much as I can. That is why I am here because I know he is a good man who is trying to stay on the path of good."

Angelica continues to watch the child as she talked. She wanted to reasure her she was here for good reason and ment no harm.

"Its only me and you here and no one else will hear what we talk about. I need you to be completely honest with me if we are going to help you dad ok?"

Rumaging around in her briefcase for a moment Angelica takes out a pad of paper and a pen jotting something down before looking up at Mackenzie again.

"So we should start at the beginning, Can you tell me what happend the day you went to your dads work? How did you get here, who braught you...any anything alse you can tell me about that day."

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