

The woman behind the reception desk, eyes Angelica, then the court order. She takes the paper to examine it more closely, making sure it was legit, then nods. "Thank you, Miss Lockheart. Please wait for just a moment."

Turning, she picks up the phone. "Heather? The lawyer is here with a court order to see Mackenzie. Yes. Okay."

Hanging up, she turns back to Angelica with a small smile. "Miss Jones will be right with you."

And she was. Less than a minute later, Heather comes down the hall, very business-like, but wearing a gentle smile today. One would have thought she was very peaceable. She extends her hand to Angelica. "Lockheart, I presume. You don't give up easily, do you?"

She locks eyes with Angelica for a moment, but finally turns back towards the hall. "I didn't think you were made of empty threats. Please, follow me. I've already brought Mackenzie for you."

Down the hall, they pass several offices, then come to two double-doors that lead to a cheery lunch room. There were many tables and chairs, though right now, the children were not in sight. Except for one.

Mackenzie sits at one of the tables, her feet dangling, when most kids her age could touch the floor. Her elbows rested on the table, and she looks up quickly as the two women approach. She doesn't stand, but eyes Angelica skeptically, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Heather proceeds with introductions. "Mackenzie, this is Miss Lockheart. She just wants to talk with you for a couple minutes, then afterward, I'll take you to meet up with the others at the museum, okay?"

Mackenzie just shrugs.

Heather sighs and almost rolls her eyes. She knew better than to stay. She knew Lockheart would want to speak with the child alone. But no doors would be closed. She would be right outside. She nods to Angelica. "Please call if you need anything. I'll be just outside the door."

Mackenzie's eyes follow Heather until she's out of sight, then bounce back to stare at Angelica, but she still remains silent.

Seeing Charlotte approaching the cell, Bret and Landon are both on their feet. Bret absorbs Charlotte's words, remaining sober for the moment. As the officer lets him out and Charlotte takes him in, he doesn't respond yet, but returns the kiss, pulling her in close.

Landon isn't embarrassed to watch, and a smile forms on his lips. "Hey, can you two wait to do that later? I want to get out of here."

Bret ignores his friend and doesn't let Charlotte get away with just a light kiss. He was making up for worrying her. Finally pulling away, he puts his hands up to cradle her face. "Sorry," he apologizes.

His eyes twinkle as his laughter is suppressed. "I'da taken you along... but there wasn't enough room."

The officer overhears and rolls his eyes. "You better not take anybody along," he warns. "Going a hundred and ten down Baker street is not a healthy past time. Now get out of here."

Bret slings an arm around Charlotte's shoulder to guide her back outside, Landon close behind. Only when they're outside do they stop again. Bret looks at his wife a bit sheepishly. "We really weren't starting out to race... honest."

"He's right," Landon nods his head emphatically. "We were just moving the cars and... well..."

"He started it." Bret thumbs towards Landon.

"What?! I did not! It was you who made the first move."

"Uh-uh. You passed me first."

"Only cuz you were starting to speed first."

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"I..." Bret stops, choking on a laugh. "Okay... maybe it was my fault."

Landon smirks, holding in his own laughter. "Yes, it was. I wouldn't push my luck though. With your history, I'd..."

"Naw, naw..." Bret moves behind Charlotte to push her forward while putting his hands over her ears. "Let's not bring up the past, shall we?"

Landon quirks an eyebrow. "Ahh, the little missus doesn't know about the record, eh?"


"Sorry!" Landon laughs and shakes his head, while glancing to Charlotte. "I'll pay you guys back. Sorry to make you come down here this morning."

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