

Wyatt can tell from Katie’s reaction that she’d had no idea that Jason would be there, and shakes his head at her question. This was a total surprise to him. He sits back and listens, having had no idea Jason was that good. Every once in a while, he glances at Katie who is watching the stage intently. What was going through her mind?

As the evening wears on, the band takes a couple short breaks, just to be brought back by the audience’s nonstop clapping. At once point, Kyle speaks from his seat at the keyboard. “Hey, y’all…thanks for having us here tonight. I hope you’re enjoying this as much as we are.”

The audience wastes no time in cheering.

Kyle grins. “Alright! Guess that’s a yes. Well, good. Hey, I’d like to take this opportunity to say…don’t we have an awesome new lead singer?”

Another round of cheers and applause erupts. Jason stands to the side, sweat on his face from the long evening, but not being able to help a small bit of pleasure from the audience’s reaction.

“Yeah!” Kyle claps too, still grinning. “Well let’s keep on going…the night is still young!”

The band continues to play for another hour, until they begin to grow weary. The audience calls for encores over and over again, until it becomes ridiculous. Finally, Kyle stands up from the keyboard, throwing his arms in the air. “Y’all are nuts!” He calls teasingly. “You’re supposed to be in bed by now!”

Laughter erupts.

Jason grins and looks out at the crowd. “I think SOMEbody missed his naptime today…”

More laughter.

Kyle shakes his head, resting his hands on his hips. “Alright…ONE more song.” Sitting back down, they perform another.

Finally, they can’t take any more, but the audience begs. Jason chuckles and waves them quiet. “Tell you what…we’ll give you ONE more… right, Kyle?”

Kyle lets his face drop onto his keyboard. “I can’t take it!” He sits up quickly. “If you’re so enthusiastic, Jason, YOU take this ONE last song.” He glances to the audience. “What do you say, folks? How about letting our lead singer here end the night right with a solo of his own, and one of his original, never before heard songs, eh?”

The audience erupts with pleas.

Jason can’t help his grin and shakes his head. “Going to one of the stands, he switches out the electric guitar for his acoustic and settles down on a stool, beginning to strum softly. He stops once and looks up. ‘This really is the last one, folks.” He chuckles at the groans he receives, and plays into the soft song filled with emotion as the soothing melody carries a sleepy tone.

Hey little boy, what’s your story untold?
Who took you from the peace you knew?
Hey little boy, how come you disappeared?
No one saw it when he took you away.

You hide your face,
You shed your tears.
Nobody’s there to take your fears.
You cannot sleep,
You scream in the night,
But nobody’s there to hold you tight.

Hey little boy what’s the world done to you?
The smile you wore just fades away.
Hey little boy what’s that bruise on your face?
It don’t look like no fall to me.

You cry all night,
You can’t see why,
Nobody hears, why even try?
Dreams taunt your mind,
Hope slips away.
Nobody’s sees your pain today.

Hey little boy, how’d you grow up so fast?
Where’s that spark I used to see in you?
Hey little boy, what’s that weight on your back?
The war is gone, but it followed you.

You still feel the wounds,
You still fight the pain.
It’s over, but it comes back again.
It haunts your sleep,
Nightmares are long…
Oh little boy…where have you gone?

Mmm…little boy….
There’s still hope out there…
Mmm….little boy…
Your not alone anymore.

As the notes die away, people are wiping tears from their eyes, and finally the clapping erupts once again. The band all stands and takes a quick bow, waving, then exiting the stage, despite the cries for another song.

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