

*Katie trys to controll the smile that was coming to her face. Jason was busted. Why she found this funny she has no idea, maybe it was for once he was clueless* "Well thats cool.." *Katie continues to draw.* "Well lets see what I did all night." *Katie again trys to hold in her laughing* "Wyatt and I want to this picnic thing the next town over. It was alot of fun. There was a live band and everything." *Katie thinks for a moment.* "The band name was JetStream I think I remember. They were really good. The Lead singer/guitar player was wonderful. He kind of looked like you. Anyways He was really good, and so was the band. I wonder if His best friend new about this avent so they were able to be there. Thats something imporant a friend shouldent miss ah well." *As Katie finishes her picture she hands it to Jason. On the top there is a banner thats says "JetStream" and than the rest is a stage with the band and Jason in the middle. and the crowd in front."Jason, your busted." *Katies smile breask out into a smile.*

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