

*As Katie hears Jason's voice and feel his rough but soft touch on her face she dosent open her eyes for a moment. She dident want to wake it couldet be time to wake already, she was comfortable.Thought fill her mind Jason...ahhh..JASON! Katie opens her eyes slowly only to meet Jason's eyes. She blinks fast as her face turns red.* "J...I'm so sorry. I ment to wake you before I went to sleep but I guess I was so comfortable I forgot. I'm so sorry J." *Katie smiles not able to help the sparkel in her eyes. For a moment longer Katie lays there. She felt so comfortable with Jason. So comfortable she was able to fall asleep in the blink of an eye. Again the though of the crossroad enters Katie's mind. How would she ever choose. Siting up her tummy grumbaling. Katie cant help but giggle.* "Guess it breakfest time huh? Are you heading to work today?"

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