
When you look in her eyes..

*Jamie stairs into Jason's eyes searching for the truth. The truth he wasent giving. Jamie keeps her voice calm and low and sits down.* "How about the truth Hotshot. I'm only tring to help, deep down in that heart that has put walls up for years, Has Katie Pent broken though? When you look into her eyes, do you see the world? Do you love Katie?"

*As Katie looks up she see Ty. Puting her arms around his neck she feels slitly embarssed. After being put bad Katie turns to him and smiles.* "Sorry you had to see me like that. I was trying to reach my cell phone. Thank you for the help." *For the moment the feeling Katie had leaves and she decieds everything is ok for now she will call Jason in a bit. For now she would talk with Ty.* "So..what do I owe this saprise?" *Katie smiles.*

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