
DO you?

*As Wyatt walks by Jamie she smiles.* "Mornng." *Seeing his short nod and scowl she knows something is up. Shaking her head she sighs. Why did she feel worse for the 2 guys or Katie. Everyone alse may have though they were just rumors But Jamie was wiser beyound her years. She new that Kaite felt like she was caught. The 2 guys dancing circles around her neather really making much of a move. Wyatt deserved better, Katie deserved better and so did Jason. What a mess to be suck in. Jamie shakes her head and goes back to her work.*

*Katie smiles as Jason leaves. So kind so caring she would look forword to seeing him for lunch. Katie streachs and waits for her morning therapy to start. As she gets ready she starts to feel the strange feeling she has a few times in the past now. All connectin Wyatt and Jason. Katie rolls her eyes.* "No What..It must be about the concert last night." *Katie reaches for her phone on the dresser only to find its not there. Looking around the room Katie see it over on the other table.* "Oh for the love of..." *KAtie thinks for a moment to try and figure out how to get it. The feeling inside of her rising. Katie see her wheel chair Puting the bars down on her bed she swings her body so her legs are hanging off the side. Stairing at the ground Kaite puts the side railing up again. Grabing on to it Katie lifts herself up. Slowly she trys to move her legs but they are not coroperating. Lowering herself onto the bed again she mumbles.* "Come on Come on." *Trying again Katie lifts herself up. Her one leg moves ever so slighly as katie starts to lower some preshure onto it. But her legs buckle and send her to the floor.*

*As Jamie see Wyatt exit Jasons offie and hears the slam she knows nothing good just happend. Not being able to take it any longer Jamie stands and makes her way to Jason's office. She has been in this position befor and she dosent want Jason making the same mistake she did and let the one you truly care about go. Knocking on the door Jamie enters.* "Hey hotshot I wanted to ask you something. Flat out, and you cant tell at me I am older than you so ya, you have to be nice to me." *Jamie cant help but laugh trying to lighten the mood. But than grows seriouse.* "Do you love Katie?"

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