

Jason almost wakes as Katie moves, but his sleep has too strong a hold on him…he’s too warm…too comfortable….

Light begins to stream in through the window. Chatter is heard out in the nurse’s station, and footsteps pass by the door. Jason doesn’t want to open his eyes. He’s so relaxed…so warm…so….. something was different. Jason finally gets his brain to function and opens one eye. Uh-oh.

His arm is still resting over Katie’s petite frame, and her forehead is resting against his. How on earth had he let himself get into this position? And Katie had let him? Why hadn’t she woken him up? Her hand is resting on his arm, and he can feel her slow breathing as she sleeps peacefully. Jason wanted to move. He knew he should…he knew he shouldn’t be as comfortable like this as he was. But…

Wyatt parks his jeep and steps outside, taking a deep breath of the morning air. It was a good morning. He’d had fun with Katie last night, despite the whole thing with Jason…maybe he had a chance after all. This morning he just wanted to stop by and see Katie before he went to work, and ask if she wanted to go out for supper with him if she was feeling up to it after therapy.

Entering the hospital, he knows Jason will probably be around this morning, but that was a given…Wyatt couldn’t let it bother him…besides that, it might be nice to find out directly from the horse’s mouth how last night at the band had transpired. Despite any rifts between Wyatt and Jason right now, Wyatt truly was interested in the fact that Jason had been such a performer.

He waves good morning to a nurse as he walks down the hall and heads for Katie’s room. He sees the door is barely shut, and takes the handle quietly, opening it just enough to peek in, ready to give Katie a smile. Whether Jason was there or not, she should be surprised since he didn’t normally stop by in the mornings.
But instead of the pleasure he expects, Wyatt feels like he’s been punched in the gut. The door only partially open, he just stares. At first he’s numb. Then he can feel the anger rising. Opting to say and do nothing, lest he regret his actions, he forces himself not to slam the door, spins on his heel and stalks back down the hall. He was late for work the way it was.

Every so gently, Jason moves his face from Katie’s, just studying her soft features. He gives a slight sigh, knowing that if she were awake, she’d probably never allow him this close…and not that she should. It was bad enough he’d put her in this position by falling asleep here, even worse was the fact that she was spoken for. Jason inwardly stuffs any unwanted feelings down deep so he could ignore them. He needed to be more careful. He and Katie were friends…period…right?

Shifting his weight, he moves his arm to bring his hand up to her face and run a finger down her cheek. “Psst…sleepy head…” He backs off a little, not wanting her to be too surprised when she wakes up, though his arm is still around her. Why he lets it lay there, he doesn't even know.

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