

Standing in the door way for at least 15 minutes Misty watchs Carson and Machenzie interact. It braught a small smile to her face though a strange feeling still stirred. It was a intresting interaction to see with Carson and it did bring a nice warm feeling.

Continuing to watch Misty stays silent just taking in the sight for a long moment. The smile slowly creeping on her face. Finally standing a little bit straghter Misty clears her throat.

"You know I hurd there was going to be some special pizza made tonight so I thought I'd swing by and see what was gong on. I have to keep you and your dad out of trouble eh Squirt!"

Misty gives a little wink to Mackenzie as she comes into the kitchen more and wraps her arms over Carson's neck giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I also got a few movies to I thought maybe we could have a little camp out in the living room or something. I got, Over the Hedge, and Madagascar. I hope you havent seem them yet!"

Streching out on her bed Jess just lays there for a moment. It had been nice to be away, but it was nice to be home too.

Though she was still a bit jumpy she was nothing like she was before and she had a new bright spot. Not only had she gotten over her fear and did something new, but she had for something alse that made her feel good, and like she had a reason again.

Just thinking about Axel made Jess smile and gave her a flutter. Manuvering just a little she pulls her cell from her pocket and holds it for a moment before dialing. Getting Axel's voice mail Jess just lets the message play as she smile. Finally after the beep the smile showing in her voice Jess leave a short message.

"Hey you, I was just calling because...well I didnt have a reson other than I wanted to call. Well I guess I wont leave a long message that is about nothing so I will just see you tonight. I'll try to be on time, but I never really dressed up before so it might take me a little bit, but I will try not to make you wait. Anyways I'll see you than."

Hanging up the phone Jess sits up on the bed and thinks for a moment before going to her closet to see what she had for tonight. She wasnt sure where Axel and herself were going but for once she just wanted to get dressed up a tade since she never had for a good honest reason before.

Picking up her work phone Hope dials Scott's number. She had seen him this afternoon but she new tonight would be one of his first nights home again and she wanted to see how he was doing not to mention he might be a little lonly so talking to him before she left work would do him some good maybe. As the phone rings Hope waits wondering if Scott would even answer.

Coming through the door Katie gets a wiff of something that sure does smell good. Knowing the only one probley home was Ryder she cant help the smile the spreads on her lips.

"Its would seem the made has made something for dinner eh Henry? Sure does smell mighty fine."

Going into the kitchen and seeing Ryder sitting at the table Katie chuckles. She liked having someone alse around. It was always nice to have something to fiscally talk to.

"How was your day? Tomarrow if you like I have some work I am gonna need help with and you can hope a ride to work with me."

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