

Jade laughs. "I don't care what we watch either. We can check out what's by the tv - maybe we'll find a nice action flick."

Once the rounds are made and everything is done for the night, Jade heads with Dan to the dining hall. It was empty - most everyone was settling down in their houses and bunks. Jade flips on a small lamp then the tv, going to scan the movies. "Hmm.... let's see...."

Indiana Jones is finally settled on, and while Jade lets Dan put it in, she goes to the kitchen to make some popcorn. Getting them both something to drink, then returning with a bowl of popcorn a few minutes later, she stops several feet behind the couch. It was too perfect. Dan was just sitting there with his back to her. Mischief sparks in Jade's eyes as she picks up a single kernel of popcorn. Flicking it into the air, it flies over Dan's shoulder and into his lap.

Rick is just ready to pierce Jason's skin when he hears Katie. Stopping, his hand shook slightly as the tension she was emitting starting to affect him too. His eyes glance to Misty and back to Katie. "I just need to calm down his emotions, Katie... you both will feel better. It won't kill you - you've had it before."

But her forced statement makes him second-guess himself. The needle hovers over Jason's arm.
"It will kills us." Did she know something he didn't? But the antidote was safe. They'd tried it. Tested it. It worked. It would calm Jason's emotions, which were obviously causing this stress.

Rick moves the needle to press it on Jason's arm. But another glance in Misty's direction and he gives up. "Alright, Katie," he gives in quietly, patting her arm. "But if it something else doesn't work, we've got to try this."

Jason would have relaxed, had he been able to.
Thank you, Katie... thank you.

Rick hands the syringe back to Misty. "Sleep, huh... let's try a regular sedative. Maybe if Jason's body calms down, the emotions will follow. It's worth a try."

With Misty's help, Rick prepares a different needle. It proves difficult as Jason's convulsions have not lessened. "Misty, help hold him down."

Jason fights against further restraint, writhing and lashing out uncontrollably. But once Rick has aim, a split second is all it takes. The formula races through Jason's veins, forcing his body to stop fighting the emotional barrage. Another bout of vomiting and Jason is totally wiped out, But as the minutes pass and Rick watches, slowly, slowly, the tension seems to lessen. Jason's writing begins to decrease and his pulse begins to slow.

That's it.... it's... it's going away... Katie, I... I love you. Just stay... stay with me.

Rick wipes sweat from his brow, feeling Katie's tension begin to slack as well. "Holy cow." Waiting a few more minutes, it seems that calming the body forces the emotions to disperse. It had worked before, but Rick had assumed that a battle this severe would take severe action. Apparently though, the sedative was doing it's job. He pats Katie again. "Good girl, Katie."

After a few more minutes, Jason and Katie both seem to be lying more still and Rick dares to separate them. Wyatt stands near and watches, having been staying out of the way. Rick gently takes Jason and Katie's hands and slowly unravels the belt. He eyes them both hesitantly, knowing that if the battle wasn't over, he could be sorry. But he had to see. Separating their hands, he holds his breath. Thankfully, nothing happens. Jason and Katie both had seemed to finally slip into unconsciousness.

When Rick looks at their palms though, his eyes widen. "Good gracious." He looks to Misty. "Look at this."

Turning over their palms, both have been severely burned. It wasn't just a patch though that had spread. It was a very clear spiral pattern, painfully burned into their flesh. "Wow." Rick blinks, hardly believing it. "Um.... get me some... ointment and gauze, would you, Misty?"

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