
Not the antidote

Jason's mind latches onto Katie's silent words, groping to feel her. Writhing on the ground, he utters no sound, all of his energy being funneled to the only one that could take it.

The wind and noise picks up and Wyatt stands, staring up at the bright light of the helicopter. Waving his arms so the pilot would see him, he watches it land just a short ways away from the scene of mayhem. Jogging up to the helicopter, he ducks under the wind, waiting for the pilot to get out. "I need your help. I can't get them both by myself."

Todd nods and exits, his helmet still in place as he removes his gloves. "Where are they?" he shouts above the wind.

"Here." Wyatt waves him to follow around the dead bodies. Getting nearer, he feels the same thing he did before he'd walked away. Fear. Nervousness. It wasn't like him to panic, but something was getting to him, and he knew it must be Katie. Turning to Todd, he warns him. "I know this is gonna seem weird, but trust me - you'll probably get nervous. It's just Katie. Try to ignore it and just get us back to Nevada."

Todd isn't sure he understands, but he nods anyway.

Nearing the two on the ground, Wyatt squats down, trying to turn Katie over and get her at least partway to her feet. Todd struggles with Jason's shaking body, finding it hard to move him at all. "It would be easier if they weren't tied together," he pants. "What's up with that?"

"No!" Wyatt is quick to make sure Todd doesn't undo the belt. "If we don't keep them together, we're never getting out of here."

Todd pauses, his surprise just giving fear an opportunity to latch on as it's amplified by Katie. His face pales and he swallows hard, now knowing what Wyatt was talking about. "Right... right, okay." He tries again to get Jason up, finally getting him to his feet, though Todd has to support all of his weight.

Wyatt lifts Katie into his arms at the same time, carrying her close enough to not put strain on their hands. "Alright. One, two three."

Both men start forward at the same time, a strange fear gripping both of them as they fight to keep going and not run from a panic. Jason's feet drag on the pavement. He knew where he was and what was happening, but he couldn't get any of his limbs to work properly. Wyatt holds Katie close, ducking as they reach the helicopter. Todd fumbles with the door latch, and when it's open, miraculously, they get both the others inside. Thankfully it was a large enough aircraft that Jason and Katie could be placed on the floor. It was more dangerous, but there was no way they'd be able to buckle them in seats.

Receiving a thumbs up, Todd runs around to the pilot chair and grabs his radio as he begins to take off again. "This is Elite Chopper two-sixty-seven, Davey, we need a cleanup crew out on highway four-thirty-two before the coyotes come. Over."

Wyatt grits his teeth as he stares down at Katie, then Jason. They were both in bad shape. It was amazing to see, as neither had been hit with bullets, but their lives were in danger.

Jason's convulsions had ceased briefly, but they start again, even more violently. His hand tears at the belt, causing both his and Katie's wrists to bleed.

"Jason, Jason, come on, steady." Wyatt kneels next to him, trying to hold him still.

Jason's eyes flutter, and his stomach drops as they take off into the air. He tries again to speak, but there's just nothing coming out.
What... where are we... what's happening?
Wincing as his body revolts, he begins to vomit, unable to control himself.

Todd looks back to check on them, seeing what's happening. "Wyatt, get his head up!" he orders. "Keep him from choking."

Wyatt does as he's told, winding up with Jason's head in his lap. Putting a hand to Jason's forehead, more fear arises. He was burning up. "Todd! Mic!" A radio mic is tossed back to him and within minutes, he's got a hold of Rick. "They're bad, Rick. Katie looks like she's in bad pain and disoriented. Jason won't stop throwing up and he's got a fever. We can't separate them or else Jason will blow up the copter."

"You're kidding me."

"You want to switch places and see for yourself?"

"Just hang tight, Wyatt. Do you have a first aid kit with you?"

Wyatt could kick himself. "No. It's still in the van. We've already taken off."

"Alright. Then just keep Jason's head up and let whatever comes come. Get Katie as close to him as you can and I'll be here when you land."

The trip seems to take an eternity. Wyatt himself was on autopilot, stunned by the whole situation, and barely able to keep himself from a panic as he had to sit near Katie. Jason was a mess, and so was everything else. Wyatt managed to find a cloth and some water, mopping Jason and Katie's brows, and trying to sooth their wrists, though he knew it must be painful. Wyatt had killed. He'd been in battle. He'd been on rescue missions. He'd seen his own fall before him. But never had he seen this torture, and it was gut-wrenching.

Thankfully, the TJY parking lot was big enough to land the chopper. Rick and Reese were both there, and Rick had also called Misty back in to work. Between all of them, they're able carry and drag Jason and Katie into the building. It's utter chaos with the small group with not enough room between cubicles and tripping over each other. But all were aware they couldn't separate Katie and Jason's hands.

Once in the infirmary, Rick directs Wyatt and Reese to deposit their friends together on the bed. It was just big enough to hold them both. Jason's continued convulsions shake the entire bed. He was completely drenched in sweat and his mouth was moving as if mumbling, but no sound was heard. Rick checks on Katie, finding her barely lucid and seeing immediately that she was in worse pain than every before. It was a miracle she had not passed out.

"Misty, get me the antidote syringe and do it fast." Rick points to the cabinet. "It's the only way to stop Jason's emotions from wreaking havoc and we'll give Katie a dose too so she can relax."

Retrieving the needle, Rick pulls off Jason's jacket and begins to prep his arm.

Jason continues to shake, his hand still fused to Katie's.
No.... no, don't let him.
He tries to cry out to Rick, but it does no good.
Katie... he can't.... tell him... the antidote will kill me. Please... tell him... sedative... sedative, not the antidote. He can't give me the antidote.

Gunner smiles and sighs a deep, contented sigh, his arm tucking Bree in close. One moment... one short moment had changed everything. And it allowed him the privilege of holding her next to him now. It felt good to be on the other end this time - him holding her, instead of the other way around. In a matter of a few minutes, Gunner had discovered what it meant to care for someone else. And it was filling a hole that he never even knew existed until now.

Closing his eyes, he'd never know how fast asleep he was. Exhaustion had taken over, and he was done for the day. Only a few hours later did he wake, but just to pull a blanket over them both then put his arm back around Bree and fall asleep again.

Jade's cheek's flush, but she smiles anyway. She liked Dan's comments - they made her feel nice and warm, even if they were sappy. Curling her fingers around his, she nods. "I'd like to walk with you. I've been hibernating all day and I need to stretch my legs."

Heading out of the barn hand-in-hand, Jade breathes deep the evening air. "Can we watch a movie later?" she asks. Most likely, the main living room off the dining area would be empty, leaving the nice big television to be used. "I can pop some popcorn." In reality, she just wanted a distraction. Though she loved talking with Dan, tonight she wanted to give her mind and heart a break.

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