

Sitting down on the couch waiting for Jade Dan kicks his works boots off just letting his feet rest for a little while. The movie was already put in and now Dan was just really to take it easy letting his mind drift as he waited for Jade.

Being broken from his train of thought buy the peace of popcorn that comes flying into his lap Dan can't help but jump at first not seeing was it was. Than hearing the soft chuckle in the background a grin forms on his own lips.

Getting off the couch quickly Dan takes some twords Jade as she goes around the other way. Starting back that way, Dan cant help the big smile that spreads on his face.

"Ohhhh sure, your gonna throw popcorn untill I get up. After that you don't want to play anymore huh? I'll get you sooner or later you wait and see."

Dan stands on the far end of where Jade was his arms crossed over his chest as he gave a long laugh.

As all was silent for a moment Katie hope Rick would listen to her. She couldnt open her eyes and check, she could only wait and hope. But as Rick's words his her ears could fell a small wave of releaf wash over her thought all the torment.

I'm not going anywhere J!

Getting the needle ready for Rick Misty moves quickly. Seeing her two friends like this was a nightmare in its own. Misty had seen them bad before but nothing like this.

"I sure hope this works."

Misty gets behind Jason on the bed and helps hold his arm down while Rick trys to steady needle. Once Rick was done Misty covered where the puncher was and placed a bandage on top. It was hardly anything but it made her feel like she was helping some how.

Katie can feel Jason's emotions start to slow, and the pain started to leave her body though she new for a while she would be sore from how tight her muscles were. But it Jason was ok, and she was ok and they were there together. Finally being able to not have to worry about it as much Katie seems to slip into her own sleep. Letting her body recoup as much as it could.

Going to get the ointment and gauze for Rick Misty pick two differnt kind of burn creams and brings them back over to Rick. Taking Jason's hand and turning it over to dress his burn Misty looks at the mark for a long moment before back at Rick.

"It looked like someone branded them. Its almost to prefect to have just happend. But if there hands were together how?"

Misty looks at Rick for answers she new that he might not even have. It was strange that something like this should happen. What did it all mean?

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