

*Misty snaps her eyes open looking as she hears the click and than the voices. She looks from Drew to Vance. Rolling her eyes. Great this is just what she needed.*

"Sometimes being lonley is best in some cases.*

*Misty eyes Drew as she leans off the beam she was leaning on.*

"People can run but cant hide with you huh Drew. No matter where they are you find them? But last time I believe I found you."

*Misty flashs a quick grin as Vance grabs her arm trying to give a bit of resistince but to not fail Vance was much larger and stronger than she was. As he yanks her to the car Misty comments.*

"Woah you dont have to be so rough you know. I'd have to be stupid to try and run away from a guy who had a gun to my head. And we all know I am not stupid huh Drew?"

*Once again Misty cocks a grin as her defences are now up. She new Drew and couldent let her gard down and show that right now for once in her life she was scaired. If she did Drew would play off the fear and that could end bad for Misty. As she is shoved into the back of the car and head down the road. Looking around the car Misty looks for an easy out but to no avail there is non. To keep herself calm she looks in the review mirror into Drew's eyes not saying a word. But keep a cocky sassy smile on her face. She new one thing most people at the angency could resist about her and that was the look she got in her eyes.*

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