

As Misty takes Carson by the shirt and yanks him closer, his eyes widen. He starts to say something, but before he can react, his mouth is silenced as her lips are pressed against his own. Letting down his guard, he takes his free hand to reach out to her face as he returns the kiss with strength, wanting the exchange to last longer. But she pulls away, leaving him once more.

Blinking, Carson realizes that his one hand is now empty of the book. A grin quirks the corner of his mouth as she calls out her good morning. Heaving a sigh, he ambles forward with no certain destination in mind. “It is now.”

Jason sets his cuffed hands up on the table, tapping his fingers nervously. “Well if you’re satisfied, then I’ll have to trust you. Could be a while before you can use that speech…who knows what date they’ll set tomorrow.”

He looks down for a moment, dreading that decision. “I know of people who have gotten caught up waiting in the system for a long time, Lockheart…what are the odds that I’ll be sitting in here for six months before I get a trial?”

“Ahh!” Clint’s hand goes up to grab the side of the car as Wendy pulls him out. He lifts his head to look up at her with a smirk. “And what, pray tell, do you plan to do about it?” He twirls the wrench in his hand. “I’m covered in grease, and I dare say you wouldn’t want to get your nice clothes dirty, so it looks like I’m on the winning end of this.”

Luke stops walking for a moment and turns to look at Angel, his face solemn. She didn’t know. Finally he forces a small smile. “I’ll be alright. Just get me a cane and call me an old man.” He chuckles and draws her closer to put his arm around her shoulder as they continue their walk. “But as long as I got you by my side, I’ll feel young.”

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