

*Wendy watching Clint with care as he points everything out. Trying her best to understand what everything is. Misty turns her head at the same time Clint does coming eye to eye with him. For a moment she meets his gaze and a strange feeling comes over her making her look away fast the red head rising in her face.*

"Thats...thats quite intresting"

*Misty looks away for a while a million thought running though her mind. Moving her legs she pushes Clint and herself out from under the car again. Siting up for a moment before standing.*

"Well...I guess I should leave you alone for now so you can...um...get back to work. I'll see you for lunch right?"

*Angel smiles at Luke her arm atill around him.*

"We cant go back in time cuz God dident intend us too. God will never give us more than we can handle. I think he let us find eachother for a reson. Dont feel guilty Luke. I love helping you when ever I can. Your so very important I couldent even think of leaving you for something as silly as this."

*Angel starts walking again with Luke a smile on her face. She really did care for him. He ment everything to her.*

*A smile forms on Jamie's face as Con's sweet voice entered her ears and brang a smile to her face.*

"Finding out about Jason is always good, please keep me updated. Do you know how Katie is holding up? I feel bad for her. Make sure you take as much time off from TJY as you need Con. Dont go back till your ready ok? You need to take care of youself first and formost ok?"

*Again Jamie talks with Con for a long while about this and that. Finally Jamie relizes its time to hang up though she dident want too.*

"Well I better get going or I am never gonna make it on time. I'll give ya a call again Con. Take care of yourself for me ok? I dont wanna hve to kick your butt when I get home. Love ya hun."

*Jamie hangs up the phone and pulls back on the road making the last few hours drive. She was starting to feel the excitment grow. It would be nice to see Austin again. It had been so long.*

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