

*Misty heads down the hall to find Carson for lunch she hears his voice raise. Who was he talking to? Standing around the courner Misty stands aganst the wall listing to him. He was on the phone but with who. Whatever he was talking about it was heavy. Misty could put two and two together and figure it out. Her mind races as her heart felt a break. Why Carson? You were doing so well. What went wrong. Steping out from around the courner Misty leans aganst the wall looking at Carson for a long moment before speaking.*

“Dreams of the marrow hath the shattered soul. Pride is lost. Wings stripped away, the end is nigh. Such is…the fate of a monster.”

*Misty turns making her way back down the hall. She had nothing alse to say let alone knowing what to say. As she walks she hangs her head in defeate.*

*Angel takes both of Lukes arms in her hands so he stops flairing them around and just smile at him.*

"Someone once told me Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful, sometimes it's beautiful, but most of the time it's both. I want to shair the painful moments, the beautiful moments with you. If I dident I would of ducked tail and ran along time ago. No matter what happend I am always going to have stress and worry. Even if you wernt in pain Luke I would have worry. Its just something that happens when you care deeply about someone. I love you Luke and nothing is ever going to change that."

*Angel's eyes show compation and love never changing. Her words are soft and made to be comforting.*

"I'm always going to love you till the day we both pass on and even after that my love will still be there in other people's hearts as they remember us. Dont even feel ashams Luke, or that your puting me through to much cuz your not and you never will. I'm excited about shairing my life with you, I'm excited about the day I say "I do". And thats never gonna change."

*As Katie's mind drifts the feeling slaps her hard and fast Jason...no. Katie stands, she had to do somehting Jason...Jason...the pain Katie felt it, it took over her heart it took over her mind. She couldent do anything this time she couldent help him. Katie felt so helpless, she had promised Jason she would always be there to help him, and now she wasent Another wave of pain comes over Katie as she lets out a scream and drops to the floor. The rose falling back to the desk. Katie brings her knees up to her chest as she lays on the ground her eyes shut tight.*


*She whispers.*

"Jason please...it hurts so much for me it must be ten times for you."

*Katie's crys continue as she holds her knees. She was a failure to Jason, she wasent there for him like she promised. What was going to happen to him now, he was scaired, lost and alone.*

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