

*Wendy cant help but giggle her face still red.*

"OK I'll see ya than. If ten min into lunch your not that I'll bring you something. See ya lunch."

*Swiftly Wendy exits the shop. Once outside she stops and rolls her eyes. She had acted so stupid inside, and felt strange. She never felt strange around Clint before. Was it the fact they were inches from kissing. Wendy dident know but she shakes the feeling pushing it away. There was no reson to feel strange around Clint and she wouldent alowe herself to be.*

*Angel's eyes show simpanthy and pain but no anger. How could she even be mad at Luke. He was human and we all did things we wernt happy about.*

"Oh Luke, You should of come to me sooner Hun so I could have helped."

*Angel brings her hand to Lukes face turns it twords her to look him in the eye.*

"We will get though this together ok. First things first we need to get rid of the painkillers you have and than from there we will work through it. Its gonna be hard but I'll help you all I can. ok?"

*Katie sit in Jason's office her head leaning back aganst the chair. Holding the rose still Katie lets out a long sigh. The rose was ment to comfort her but she still missed Jason horrable. A feeling churns in the pit of Katie tummy, it was Jason. He wasent being beat or geting hurt but his feeling, his emotions were starting to get the best of him. Katie shakes her head slowly*

"No Jason, controll them. You can do it. Dont let them take over."

*Katie stays siting in the office for fear if she left what would happen. This was the only was she new how to be close to Jason right now.*

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