

Clint looks up at Wendy, and it’s as if all of a sudden he realizes what just happened…or didn’t happen.

He can’t help the grin that comes to his face. “Yeah…I’ll be in for lunch if I can get cleaned up enough. You might have to bring me lunch out here if they kick me out of the mess hall.”

Luke gives Angel a grateful smile, but stops their walk one more time. Complete honesty…it had to be that way, no matter how it made him feel.

“Angel…there’s…there’s not a whole lot that’s gonna help this pain.” He turns her towards himself, resting both hands on her shoulders. “I’ve been on a double dosage of a high strength pain killer for about six weeks now and…it doesn’t even cut it anymore.” He purses his lips grimly, wanting to say more, but so hesitant. Eric was the only one that knew.

He lets his hands slide off her shoulders and he looks away. “Problem is, I can’t get myself back off of them.”

Con zips closed the bag he was packing for tomorrow. He hadn’t told Jamie he was taking a trip…why, he wasn’t really sure. But the thought of only his sister knowing his location was a nice thought. No one could find him…no one could bother him. Reese and Jason were the only ones who might guess, but neither would give him away. Con only kept his location a secret when he wanted to be left alone, and that didn’t happen often.

This was his time…his getting away. Jamie was right…he needed to stay away from TJY as long as it took, and right now, he still wasn’t ready to go back.

For now, Jamie need not know he’d left.

Jason lies on his hard bed, staring up a the ceiling. He rubbed his wrist where the guard had been too rough with the handcuffs. But his mind was far from the present.

The feeling of dread had stirred up an angry rollercoaster ride that was starting its first uphill ascent. Slowly at first, but if only Jason could stop it before it reached the top. If he didn’t, it was going to come crashing down, and there was nothing here to save him this time.

But his mind was intent on dredging up those horrid memories…those horrid emotions all over again. They’d been set off, and were determined to run their course. He had to stay focused…he had to think of something else…he had to…

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