

Rick chuckles and starts checking Misty's vitals. "You're doing pretty good there, sport. I'm sure it hurts like mad, but I do believe you're going to pull through as long as you take it easy and let yourself heal." He rolls your eyes. "Though if you do, you'll be one of the few around here." He turns to head for the counter. "I'll give you something for that pain though, it will probably knock you out again."

Carson gives Misty's hand a squeeze. "I knew you were too stubborn to let this get you down." His tired smile remains. "Now that I know you're okay, I'm going to slip home for just a bit so I'm halfway presentable around here, but I'll be back, alright?"

Scott keeps himself from rolling his eyes at Katie. "I'm alright, really. If I have to force myself to sleep any more, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself." He winces just a little as he moves to grab Domino's leash. "If you wanna take her out, that would be great. I just gotta go stop by and see Rick." He pulls up his shirt to reveal the blood that has soaked through his bandage. "Guess I'm a rambunctious sleeper."

Laura's eyes widen and she gives Nate's arm a slap at his comment about working. As he brings up the JetStream event though, she can't help but smile. "Well, it sounds like I don't have much of a choice, so okay..." She blushes slightly. "I was hoping you'd ask."

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