

*As Katie feels the warmth of a hand on her shoulder she new who it was instintly. The touch she had felt so many times before. Leaning her head down Katie rubs the side of her cheek on his hand for a moment. She felt a certin sence of comfort. Hearing his voice turns Katie's head to him. Her face stricken with tears, she dosent try to hid it from Jason. Not this time. He needed to see the tears and she needed to see his face. Searching Jason's eyes Katie brings her hand up to his that was on her shoulder. In a horse voice through the little bit of tears left Katie speaks.*

"I'll always have your back Jason."

*Katie thinks for a moment not saying again thing again. Her heart and mind yelling at her to say more. To let Jason know, to take the next step to bring peace and rebuilding the burnt bridge. Katie dosent know how she finds the words but from somewhere they come.*

"I dont hate you Jason. I never could hate you..."

*Katie heave out a sigh not even sure what she is saying and if it will help or not. But something told her to keep talking, not to let Jason walk away again without knowing.*

"..You have been such a big part of my life since I met you. You taught me alot of things. We were such good friends at one time. I'd like to get back to that Jason. I know its going to be hard, but I'd like to at least try. I want to be there for you Jason, to help you. I miss you Jason. I dident even relize it but this morning before i new it I was driving by your apartment. I dident know why than I had done it without relizing it but I do now, its cuz I miss you. And I want that friendship back."

*Katie dosent know what over takes her but something pulls slowly she steps forward and gives Jason a hug. An ebrass that dosent convay love but one of friendship. One she missed dearly.*

"I'm sorry Jason. I'm sorry you went through everything you did and I wish I could whipe that away for you but I cant. I'm sorry about the whole Scott thing. I was wrong for some of the things I did. And for that I AM sorry. I never ment to hurt you. If I could whipe that away I would as well, but I cant. But I can still be that friend you lean on when you feel like the word is to much. I want to be there to be the friend who makes you laugh when you want to cry. I...."

*Katie pulls herself away from Jason was she making things hard on him?*

"...I dont want to make things harder on you Jason. I..I dont mean to confuse you. if I do..I'm sorry."

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