
I'm here

Rick almost falls out of his chair, so startled by Misty’s scream. Getting up quickly, he rushes to her, putting a hand to her forehead and checking her vitals. “Misty, hun…can you hear me….it’s a nightmare…”

Not getting any response, he moves to the intercom, contacting Reese’s office.

Mick’s mind goes a hundred miles an hour, and he stumbles over his words with Katie. “I…um…its…it’s nothing. I mean…it just struck me that he…that he looked that much like…”

His words are interrupted by Rick’s voice over the intercom. “Carson, get to the infirmary, stat.”

Carson doesn’t think twice. Without a word, he sidles past the others and is out so fast he doesn’t even shut the door behind himself. Sprinting down between the cubicles and finally hitting the hall, his pulse races. He bursts into the infirmary, immediately seeing Misty in a writhing sweat. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. I think she was having a nightmare and she screamed your name.”

Carson’s face pales slightly, and he goes to Misty’s bedside, taking her hand. “Take it easy, Sassy, I’m right here.” So confused, so unable to concentrate, he’s not even sure if he can do any good at all. But he speaks quietly to her. “You know good and well you’re stronger than this…and I already told you not to leave, so you better not. Just hang on…don’t let go, whatever you do.”

Mick takes advantage of the interruption and lets the subject of Ty drop, looking back at Reese. “I’m sorry. Where were we?”

After a short while longer, everyone is dismissed to go their separate ways.

Laura waits by her desk for Nate, ready to leave for a late night dinner somewhere.

Scott remains in his room, his eyes growing heavy as he tries to wait up for Katie.

And Ty…walks the halls with a mop, though his mind is somewhere else. There had been something strange about that man, Mick. Something that had almost frightened him. But what was it?

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