

*Misty smiles and nods to Carson. She was happy she woke to see him with her. It was him to helped pull her through. Now seeing the tired look in his eyes Misty new he needed his own sleep.*

"I'll be ok, and right here when you get back. I think I'll do what Rick asks and relax as much as I can. I think we give him a hard enough time as is."

*Misty brings her hand up to Carson's face than to the back of his head wincing alittle but ignoring it for now. Drawing his head closer to her she closes her eyes as his lips meet hers. Leting the kiss linger for a long time it felt like ages since she had kissed him. Finally drawing away she smiles.*

"Go home get some rest. I'll see you in alittle bit."

"Scotty, your going to be the death of me, and Rick is going to kill you."

*Katie cant help but smile at Scott. She liked to see that he was at least trying to do better and able to stand on his own feet. Taking the leash from him She giggles giving him a kiss on the cheek she lets go of him. Bending down to put the leash on Domino.*

"Ok we will be back in a jiffy."

*Katie takes Domino and leave the room making her way outside of TJY.*

*Nate wraps his arms around Laura giving her a hug. He was happy that Laura had opened up to him. He had been waiting a long time.*

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