

Something warm...something comforting touches Carson. A familiar voice hits his ears.

Opening one eye, he realizes that it's Misty's touch he feels...it's Misty's voice he hears.

Lifting his head quickly, he turns to see her awake. Despite the tiredness and pain that shows through his eyes, he manages a smile. "Hey, Sassy." He takes her hand in his and gives it a squeeze before moving up to give her a gentle kiss. Moving away again, he keeps his voice quiet. "Thought I lost you there a couple times."

Rick hears the voices and gets up from his chair, wandering over to the bed. "Well, well, well, she lives." Thought his tone is casual and teasing, on the inside he is relieved beyond words. "How you feeling, Misty?"

Jason's eyes fly open. Something had woken him. But what? He listens quietly. There was no sound. Glancing at the clock, he sees it's been an hour since his alarm went off. He tries to go back to sleep, still tired, but something stirs within him. Something was pulling him. Suddenly he realizes that he's struggling to keep up his inner walls. It was the feeling as though something or someone was again trying to draw out his hidden emotions. What the...

Sitting up, Jason tries to shake it. There was no one here....nothing had happened...no one was talking to him or hounding him. He'd simply been in a dreamless sleep that should have caused nothing.

Slowly, the feeling starts to pass. Confused, Jason's able to relax again, and lays back down. Closing his eyes, he attempts at sleep one more time. Though frustration lingered for not being able to understand.

Laura turns around in her chair and grins up at Nate. "'Pretty lady'..." She gives him a sly smirk. "Don't start talking to me sweet or I won't be able to concentrate all day."

Scott pulls himself up out of bed, his hand going to his bandaged side. Grimacing, he feels moisture and looks down. Somehow in the night he'd torn several of his stitches. Great. Rick would kill him.

Sighing, he manages to get up and pull on his jeans and t-shirt. His clothes were on their second day - he needed to go home and not only get clean clothes, but start his life again.

Domino looks up at him and whines.

"Yeah, baby, hang on. I'll take you out in a couple minutes after I see Rick before I ruin my shirt."

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