

*Misty can feel the warmth of Carson's hand. The heat, the emotions flowing though. "Sassy...right here." Misty's body relaxes as she feels Carson close and hears his words. "I...told you not...leave." Misty's mind rests again walking the path twords the light. "Don’t...go, whatever...do.” It was drawing closer this time...the light was with in her reach.*

*Nate makes his way to Laura's desk a smile on his face. He was feeling better from this afternoon. Still alittle shaky but much better. Coming up along side Laura he puts his arms around her and gives alittle squeeze.*

"Alright how abuot we find that restront now. Have any in mind?"

*Nate slings his arm around Laura's shoulders as they head for the door.*

*Katie makes her way out of Reese office she lets out a sigh. Her mind was now on one more thing. That look in Mick'ss was not nothing but she new he wouldent say anything to her now. Making a mentil note to ask him again tomarrow. Katie new something was up.

Heading across the floor Katie makes her way for Scott's cubicle to look at his movie collection. Finally picking a movie Katie makes her way to the breakroom grabing the strawberry cheese cake. Now aiming for the room with Scott. Opening the door Katie smiles in on him. Closing the door behind her.*

"Ok so we have cheese cake and the three muskateers. Does that sound ok to you?"

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