
Party without me

*As Misty opens her eyes she trys to get her barings. It had been five days since everything happend and though she was in some pain at time it was easyer to move around and do things on her own as long as she dident over do it and lift to much. Swinging her legs around and placing her bear feet on the cold floor. Slowly standing Misty brings a hand to her stomic. Closing her eyes and bearing the pain till it passed. Slowly moving hunched over Misty makes her way to the door and opens it. She had hardly seen Carson all day and was worryed. He's seem preocupied the last day or two as well. Slowly crossing the TJY floor Misty makes it to Carson desk once again wincing alittle at the pain but musters up a smile.*

"You work to much. How come you dident go to the concert with everyone alse?"

*Katie pulls her car into the parking lot of where the concert was being held. Katie was running late but was hoping she would be able to help alittle bit before she met with Scott and than was on duty. Some would say for Katie it must be hard. Having to work even when you not in work. But Katie dident mind. Since meeting Con, and Jason of so long ago its what she wanted to do. This was what she thought was her true calling to be a bodyguard was fun to her.

As Katie makes her way behind stage she can hear the three boys and Jen bartering. Giving a soft giggle Katie finally makes her presence known.*

"Hey what gives? Starting the party without me?"

*Giving alittle shrugs Katie puts her stuff down and goes over to Jen giving her a hug than to the other boys giving them playful highfives.*

"Well I hope all the fun isent over yet I'd like to help."

*Katie grins at the group. She was really excited about helping once again, protecting, and shairing Scott fist preview of JetStream with him. Kaite quickly moves to help around the stage with the other. Keeping herself busy was the best thing to do. If Jason wasent there already he would be soon. Katie hasent talked to Jason since they broke up. Many times she wanted to, but it onlyhurt to try. Tonight she would have to. She wanted to more than anyone new but her heart was till heavy at the way he would react.*

*Aerith looks out the window and makes her way down the steps. She was dressed in a cute blue sundress and sadles. It was warm out tonight and it was the best way to stay cool. Her hair was up off her neck.

Opening the front door for once Aerith was able to slip out without any camotion from her grandmother. That would help make the evening even better not having the yelling looming on her mind. Sliping into Wyatt's car she throws him a smile.*

"You made it. I'm glad I have been looking forward to this since you asked me to go."

*Aerith's face seems to be brighter today. She was in a good mood, she felt good and she was excited to be geting out with a friend. She like Wyatt he was nice and a sweetheart.*

*Nate pulls into Laura's parking lot honking the horn on the car three times than waits. He was excited about tonight. Her new Laura and himself would have a great time. The music was good, being with Laura was good what more could Nate ask for.*

*As Jamie pulls up to the construction sight spoting Con's truck and pulling next to it. She dosent even bother opening her car door. It was a hot day out and the top was down she just jumps on out. Going over to his truck she jumps on the hood and waits. The noise was loud from all the other men and there was dust everywhere. Finally Jamie can see Con coming twords the truck. The noise was loud but Jamie makes her voice ring out through it.*

"Hey Slacker, We are going to be late if you dont hurry up. Jason and the others will never forgive us if we miss the avent tonight. So get that cute butt in gear and lets go already."

*Jamie cant help but lets a grin slip on her lips as the noise stops and all the other men turn to look. Sliping off the hood of the car as Con draws even closer to her she steps up on tip toes wraping her arms around his neck and planting a long passinot kiss on his lips.*

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