
So Close

*As Misty sits with Carson she can tell he is being extracarfel with her. Taking her hands she takes his arms and tightens them around her alittle more.*

"Your not going to break me. Its ok really it is."

*Misty tilts Carson's head up alittle with one of her fingers. Searching his eyes, something was wrong. Something that went unsaid.*

"Carson...whats wrong? You can talk to me. Its ok."

*Jamie cant help but laugh after ths kiss ends at Con and his buddys. Jamie gives alittle wave to the guys. Clinging to Con arm she walks the little ways to her car. She always liked saprising Con. The smile that was always present on his face was well worth it. Befor geting into her car she gives Con another small kiss.*

"Dont worry, Jason still cares. He just need to find himself."

*Geting into her car she follows Con back to his place. After a while they are finally off to the JetStream avent. On the way Jamie slips her hand into Con's. Over the last few weeks Jamie and Con had been doing alot together when both of them wernt working. Jamie enjoyed every moment. She loved being with Con.

Small chit chat is kept up in the car till finally geting to the avent Jamie shuts the car off and gets out waiting for Con to join her.*

*After Laura enters the car Nate cant help but laugh.*

"I just wanted to make sure you hurd. You know geting older and all your hearing might be going."

*Nate ducks alittle exspecting a slap. Pulling out of the driveway Nate makes his way to where the consert was behing held. He had on a pare of jean short and a nice tshit on ready to relax and have fun tonight.*

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt and they start on there way. Her cheeks turning a bit read*

"Thank you. You look pretty good yourself."

*Aerith holds the smile on her face not saying much till finally she talks again.*

"Have you hurd Jetstream befor? I dont think I have! But that dosent saprise me since I am still new."

*Aerith gives a nervouse laugh. Nervous....Why on earth was she nervouse? She hadent been last time she went out with Wyatt. But now the feeling was churning inside her tummy.*

You're in my arms
And all the world is gone
The music playing on
For only two
So close togehter
And when I'm with you
So close to feeling alive

*Katie looks up as she hears Kyle call to Jason. He was here. Katie's heart starts to race. She hadent talk to Jason in a while, or see him much for that matter other than the other day for the case. Katie looks back down at what she was doing her own emotions threating to bust forth. She wanted to run to Jason and give him a hug and see how he was. But she held herself back.*

A life time goes by
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid mine goodbye
And never knew
So close was waiting
Waiting here with you
And now, forever, I know
So close was waiting

*Finally Katie looks up as Jen, Kyle, Phil and Mike interact with Jason. A feeling of sadness coming over her. Closing her eyes listing to the voice Katie's memorie takes her back to when the last time they had all been together. Love, friendship, happyness rained there. There was something missing now. A tear rolls down Katie face as she opens her eyes again turns back to her work trying to keep her mind busy.*

Oh, how could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?

We're so close to reaching
That famous happy ending
Almost believing
This one's not pretend
Let's go on dreaming
Though we know we are
So close
So close, and still
So far away from eachother...

*As Katie's mind is far off and away she dosent even relize Jason was next to her till her bumps into her. Standing quickly Katie looks at Jason. Not being able to help looking into his eyes. Katie saw the little boy. Her head starts to ake. How she missed Jason. He was her best friend before anything alse and now he wouldent even let himself be that. How Katie wish things had turned out differnt. As Jason speaks to her for a moment Katie cant find her voice afraid it would crack. Mustering up a small smile she finally reply.*

"I'm alive. How about you?"

*After she asks the question she relzed how stupid it was. He was just going to tell her he was find when she new he wasent. He'd never lean he could try lieing but it wouldent work.*

"Hey...umm...dont be nervouse out there. I got your back, and your going to do just fine. You always do. Break a leg out there, just not for real. That would be no good."

*Katie can feel her emotions growing as she looks at Jason. He looked good. Reaching out a huging him is what Katie wasnted to do and new she couldent. Giving a pat to Jasons arm Katie concluds before turning away.*

"You look good Jason."

*Turning Katie can feel a tear making it way out of her eyes.*

"Guys I'll be right back."

*Quickly Katie makes her way off the stage and over to the side where there was a gate. Leaning on it she lets her tears out finally her emotions giving way and crashing down.*

So close...
So close...
Yet so far away...

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