

Carson slows to a walk as he’s joined by Misty, a smile breaking his serious stare. “Well next time you start out at the other end of town and see how long it takes you to get here.”

He grabs Misty around the shoulders to yank her close, planting a kiss on her forehead. “You think I’m so slow, then you shouldn’t have any trouble keeping up with me, should you?”

Carson starts off jogging backward as he throws her a sly grin, then turns around, heading down the sidewalk at a steady pace.

Jason stops in the hall, just a little surprised that Nate would approach him. Everyone had been on edge around him since he got back, and especially after what he’d done to Scott.

He searches Nate’s eyes for a moment, but finally accepts the handshake. “Unless you can give me a new life I don’t think you can do much, but thanks for the offer.”

Jason wants to lighten up, he wants to be happy again, he wants to smile, but he just can’t seem to pull himself out of the pit he’s been buried in. He gives a grim nod. “I’ll see you later, Nate.”

Turning, he keeps up his route to his office.

Scott manages to quirk an eyebrow at Katie as he looks up at her. “I don’t think I can answer that without getting myself depressed.” He swallows hard as his jaw throbs. “So let’s just say I’m not feeling so hot at the moment.”

He takes a glance around the room again. “So how’d I end up here anyway. All I remember is…” He furrows his brow. “A couple guys….and….” The images flash through his mind as he replays the event. The feeling of terror returns, and he suddenly blinks to break the momentum of the pictures. “And then I vaguely remember you and Rick coming in.”

Mick downs his cup of coffee and fishes his keys out of his pocket. Going to the kitchen, he sets his mug in the sink and heads back out. Finding Rosetta at the table with BJ, he slings an arm around her and leans down around her shoulder to give her a kiss. “I’m heading to Jerry’s place with the trailer to pick up those barrels of corn. I’ll be back in a couple hours.”

Luke eases back down on his bed after succeeding in getting his jeans on, but stops wearily. He rubs his legs, but they’re numb this morning. He must have slept crooked in the night, and his damaged nerves in his back must be pinched again. Usually that meant several days of barely being able to walk…and he’d promised Angel a picnic today.

Attempting to stand again, Luke sits right back down again as a pain like an electrical shock shoots down the back of his legs. Frustrated, he groans and flops back down on his back, his feet still on the floor. Putting his hands to his face, he just waits, not knowing if he’d be able to loosen up enough to get up or not. He’d been off the pain killers with Angel’s help for a long time now, he’d been doing alright without any meds, and things had been looking good. But it seemed every time he took a step forward, a step backward was just around the bend.

Cindy hums along with the radio as she takes a stack of plates out of a box and reaches up to put them in the new cupboards. Pausing for the umpteenth time, she looks around the kitchen, a smile on her lips. It would take a while to get things on the walls, or fill the nooks and crannies, but it was her and Wes’ house, and that in itself was something that excited her just as much now as it had when she’d seen it the first time. The house was full of love.

Turning back to her work, Cindy takes the few glasses out of the box one by one, hoping to have everything for the kitchen put away by lunchtime so she could have something special cooked for Wes when he came back from the shop.

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