

Rick remains grim as he checks on Scott, listening to Katie. He looks over the gash on Scott's head and shines a light in his eyes. "Looks like he got a nasty bump to his head which is probably what's causing his unconsciousness." He pokes and prods a little bit more. "I don't like the looks of this - he was already beat up pretty good and it seems he got knocked around quite a bit all over again." He sighs deeply and tries to think.

"We can't stay here. I need to get him bandaged up and checked over completely. I think he's damaged that wrist of his worse too. We need to get him over to TJY, and clear out of here. It's not safe."

Rick looks up to Nate. "I don't like moving him before I know he's not hurt anywhere else, but we have to. Help me get him out to my car." He glances to Katie. "You follow in yours, and take the dog. Once we're there, I'll need your help. We'll figure out what to do with this house later on when it's safer and when Scott can tell us more about what happened."

With just a bit of effort, Nate and Rick are able to get Scott's light frame up and gently taken to the car.

Domino whines and paces in circles as she watches her master being taken away. She barks a little and looks back to Katie, then back outside, confused. Turning around, she runs to the corner of the living room and dives under a pile of papers and messed-up magazines. She emerges with her favorite chew toy and races out of the house after Rick and Nate.

Getting Scott in the back seat, Rick spots Domino and catches her before she gets in the car. "Oh, no you don't." He reaches down and scoops her up, receiving a bit of a growl, her teeth still around her toy. Rick hands her off to Katie. "Here, I don't want her bouncing around on Scott."

...It takes but a few minutes to get to TJY. The building is quiet. Reese has gone home already, and only Ty and Hal are somewhere cleaning. Rick and Nate get Scott into the infirmary and lay him down on the bed. "Nate, get on the phone and call Reese and let him know what's going on. Katie, help me out here."

After following everyone inside, Domino drops her chew toy in the hall and stands back in the infirmary, watching, listening, whining a little at her master that is still not moving.

Rick starts to clean up Scott, getting his shirt off to retape his ribs, cleaning the wound on his head, and getting a stronger splint on his wrist. An hour rolls by and Rick leaves the infirmary to go to his office for some records.

Scott begins to stir, his right eye almost swollen shut, the other opening slowly. The lights were bright...the sounds in the room were different. He wasn't at home anymore. Opening his mouth feels like he's getting punched all over again so he remains silent for several moments. Finally turning his head, he looks around, trying to figure out just what was going on. "Rick?" he whispers. "Katie? Wh...where are they? ...did....they get.... they looked for.... those files.... have to stop them. I couldn't....couldn't stop them. Too hard..." He cringes as a wave of pain shoots up his side when he moves. "Is...Domino safe?"

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