
Let me tome

*Misty cant help but laugh. It had been a long time since she went for a jog but she new it would feel good.

Misty keeps up with Carson pretty well at times feeling like her legs were on fire but dident care and pushed herself to go more anyways. There was no way she was going to slow down before Carson did.*

"So this is what you do now to keep yourself out of trouble eh? How....exciting?"

*For along moment Nate watches Jason thinking about what he had said. Something tuged at his heart, Nate new when to be quiet and maybe this was one of those times but something wouldent let him.*

"I dont think you should be so quick to give up the life you have for a new one Jason. You have alot more than you know. And alot of things people with they could have you do. Dont be so fast to throw away what is in front of you. Life is to short to wish for a new one, and to disguard something when time gets rough."

*Nate gives a nod.*

"yes you have more in this life than you know. That you worked so hard for and it still waiting. Its not to late. Its never to late to set things right when your ready."

*Nate turns back to his paper satisfied with his words and ready to get back to work.*

*Katie keeps the smile on her face though she is worryed about Scott. Something like this could really mess a person up.*

"Well Domino got out. She came and got me woke me out of a dead sleep and braught me to you place. I found you called Rick, Rick got Nate came over and here we are the end."

*Katie cant help but laughs alittle trying to lighten te mood.

All of a suddon Domino jumps up and off the bed going over to the door turning in circles. Katie turns her head to Domino and than back to Scott.*

"I guess when you got to go you got to go huh."

*Standing shakes her head and grabs Domino's leash clicking it to her collar.*

"I'll be right back. Dont go running away now."

*Katie steps out onto the main floor her eyes catching the back of Jason as he walks away from Nate. Katie stops and just watches Jason for a long moment leting out a heavy sigh.*

*Rosetta leans her head up and returns Mick's kiss. This seemed almost to perfect already it had taken a while to get where Rosetta wanted to be but now she was there and the wait was worth it.*

"Ok, tell Jerry I said hi and I will be calling about more hay before the week is out. Drive safe. Saw on the news there are alot of trees and stuff down from that bad storm we had last night."

*Rosetta holds her smile her eyes filled with light and joy.

For a long moment BJ watches Rosetta and Mick. Puting his cup of juice down her jumps up from his chair and waddles over to Mick throwing his arms around Mick's leg.*

"Tan I tome and help too Mick? I'm swong just wike you."

*BJ had now entered the stage where he liked to imatat what Mick did and even Rosetta from time. He always liked to help around the kitchen, and doing chorse though he wasent alowd in the barn alone yet. But If Rosetta or Mick was out with him you could find BJ close behind sneaking a carrot or apple to one of the horses.*

*Wes fiddles around with one of the cars in the shop. After tighting a bolt he life his head alittle.*

"Ok Clint hit it."

*Listing to the sound the engin was making Wes tells Clint to turn it off again. As a puff of black smokes rolls out. Leting out a heavy sigh.*

"I dont know what is wrong with this thing. I've check the sparkplugs, the fanbelt, raideator, and everything is fine and changed. I am to frustrated to keep working on it now. I need a break. Be my guest if you wanna give it a once over I have to talk with Wendy fast about puting in the order for this week. We are running dangersly low on Oil and gas for the tractors."

*Wes makes his way to what was once his little apartment but now made into an office. The ine wall had been knocked out and a new one put in that looked out into the shop. A small desk, sat aganst the one end with a computer on top. There were now filing cabnits and shelfs that lined the walls. Right ouside the door was another long counter that had a cashregister on top and more paper work. Inside the small office Wendy sat deeping in through looking for a few things. It wasent long after Cindy and Wes got married an idea was thrown at him about Wendy and Wes ran with it know Clint just wanted en excuse to spend more time with her even if he dident just come out and say it. Entering the small office Wes leans up aganst the wall talking with Wendy.*

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