
On the mend

Feeling Katie's hand, Scott grips her fingers lightly, relaxing a little at her touch and at seeing his dog was alright.

Closing his eye again, just a hint of a grin tweaks the corner of his mouth. "I don't know...about you...but...I'm getting kinda...tired....of you seeing...me this way."

Satisfied that Scott is alive, Domino starts to squirm, asking to be put down again. She trots to the hall to retrieve her toy and comes back lying down beside the bed on the cool tile floor. Heaving a sigh, she rests her head next to her toy, seeming to fall asleep, but her ears still twitch with alertness at every sound.

Scott continues to try and make sense of what was going on, but finally Rick gives him something so he'll sleep, and he drifts off.

Reese is already in bed, and props himself up on an elbow as Nate talks. "What? Oh, come on..." The disgust is evident in his voice. "Just sit tight until morning, I guess. I'm assuming Scott isn't in much shape to talk. I'd like to know from him what exactly happened before we try sorting it out. I'm also going to alert Sheriff Brown so he knows what's going on. I hate making too many moves behind his back at this point. Just...do what you think is best...don't have anyone stay at his house. Just make sure it's locked up. Usually Agency goons don't come back, but I don't want anyone else getting hurt." He sighs. "Poor Scott - he's never even been out on a case, let alone been attacked, and now he's been beaten to a pulp twice in the same week.... I guess if Rick's there, he's in safe hands. It's your choice if you want to stay there or go home."

The night is long. Rick retrieves a cot and sets it up for Katie, knowing that she'll be staying. Scott wakes up several times, restless and complaining of pain, to which Rick continues to doctor him. By six in the morning, Scott has stopped losing consciousness and has slept several hours straight, showing signs of rest. Rick has concluded that no serious damage has occurred, though he prepares to insist that Scott remain at TJY and in bed for at least two days to recover. He's managed to get much of the swelling in Scott's face down, and though black and blue, Scott is at least looking as though he's on his way to mending.

Rick sits in the break room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and slowly sipping his coffee. Leaning back in his chair for a moment, he closes his eyes and stifles a yawn. When Misty came in, he would probably let her take over keeping an eye on Scott for today while he went home and at least stole a couple hours worth of sleep.

Scott manages to pry both his eyes open and stares up at the infirmary ceiling. He felt as though he'd been sleeping for a week, even though his body still told him he'd been run over by a train. Gingerly testing out which muscles he could move without hurting too much, he turns his head to look around pulling his blanket halfway down to free up his arms.

Domino lifts her head at the sound of movement and gets up from her spot on the floor. Looking up at the bed, she jumps to put both paws up on the edge, finally able to get a glimpse of her master. Seeing him looking back at her, she starts to wiggle with excitement, her ears falling back as she begs for attention.

Scott gives a tired grin and lets his hand fall over to scratch her head. "They let you stay, hmm?" His words are whispered and slightly slurred from not annunciating due to the pain of moving his mouth, but he ignores it.

Domino licks his hand and sets her head down on the bed, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Alright, come on," he invites.

The dog doesn't have to be asked twice and gets down on all fours, just to jump again, this time joining Scott on the bed to curl up next to him, seeming to know she shouldn't be too rambunctious as she settles right down.

Scott shifts his gaze, spotting Katie, and a small smile escapes.

Jason trudges slowly into TJY, not even sure why he's there today. Maybe only because he didn't want to be left alone with his thoughts. Maybe because in a roundabout way he was trying to make up for the impression he'd given everyone that he had changed into a malicious attacker. Whatever the reason, he found himself walking across the floor, though still avoiding eye contact with others.


He looks up to see Reese waving him into his office. Heading there and shutting the door behind him, Jason waits for a reprimand for two days prior, which hadn't received yet.

Reese stands by his desk, looking at Jason with some amount of sympathy, some amount of disappointment, and some amount of bewilderment. "How are you feeling, Jase?"

Jason's eyes fall to the floor. "Not so hot."

"Did you hear what happened last night?"

Jason's gaze shoots up. "No...what?"

"Scott's house was ransacked...he got roughed up pretty good." Reese cocks his head. "With this little rivalry going on, you don't happen to know anything about that?"

A sudden anger hits Jason that Reese would think that, but in all reality, he knows he deserves the question. "No, I don't," he answers evenly.

"Good." Reese nods with satisfaction. "You feel up to some investigative work?"

"I'm not sure you want me on the street," Jason replies with slight irritation. "I'm not sure you want me here at all."

"Jason..." Reese looks at him with gentle sternness. "I want you here no matter how long it takes to readjust. I just want to provide the niches available until you find yours again."

Jason swallows hard, finding it difficult to retain his anger against his boss. "Alright. I'm on call, but you better leave me as last choice for a while."

"I can do that." Reese nods, going to sit down, signaling the end of their discussion. Jason starts to leave, but he stops him. "And Jason...I know I don't have to tell you this, but...stay away from Scott for a while, okay?"

Jason looks back at him for a moment without responding, then leaves, heading to his own office. On his way he sees Nate...he hasn't even talked to him since he returned, but wouldn't even know what to say. Opting to avoid discussion yet again, he doesn't stop, but continues his route.

Carson jogs down the familiar sidewalk, aiming for Misty's place. He's ready to pound on the window again...he doesn't know why he started doing that, but it was fun to tease Misty, and getting a reaction from her did provide some interesting topics of discussion. He did hope one of these days though, she'd join him on his morning routine, and kept his eyes open for her as he neared the house.

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