

*Katie trys her best to push her tears away again. Maybe she should just go home. She had alot of thinking to do and when the best time to talk to Jason was. For now maybe she should just try and sleep.*

"I guess you right. Maybe I should and just clear my mind or something.Call me when your ready to go home and I will come and drive you."

*Katie trys to smile her best leting Scott know She maybe hurting but She'll be ok. Truning Katie heads to her cubicle gathering her stuff than heading outside and to her apt.*

*Misty shrugs as both Carson's arms prove to be a cage not alowing her to movie.*

"Maybe you should just shut up already and kiss me."

*Misty cant help but grin at Carson.*

*Aerith grins and shakes her head*

"Nope no boyfriend. Never found a good Christion one that I liked. However I do have an over protective grandmother who dosent understand the I want to date a christion man thing, and it only worryed about 2 things looks and money. I guess thats what happens to some people when they live rich. and if you ask, I'd say Yes."

*Aerith looks down at sips more of her water as Mable brings over the lunch smiling.*

*Jamie smiles at she heads out of work and to Con's truck.*

"All the time in the world huh? Who's feet at work did you kiss for that. And since your driving you can pick were we go. I am happy just being with you."

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