
Promise me

*Softly as to not hurt Scott Katie returns the embrace. It felt good and braught her comfort. Something about Scott had always done that for Katie since they first started to hang out.*

"Promise that you will be here so when I heal, and am ready to open my heart again you'll still be waiting."

*A few more tears roll out of Katie eyes as Scott holds her and her head is burryed into his arms. Life was crule and hard. Life was changing again. The only thing to be done was to keep moving forword.*

*Misty grins as she steps out of the elavator and see Carson. Walking over to him her lips brush his right before kissing him pulling away teasing him once again.*

"Ages my butt Carson Banks. To bad you rushed you looked to tired for a kiss now."

*Misty heads for the other door and than her car turning once to look at Carson and stick out her toung almost beging him to come and kiss her again.*

*Lockheart answers her phone and listens to Reese.*

"I know your going to want to keep working anyways but you really do need to lay low. Dont make my job harder than it is."

*Lockheart cant help but laugh.*

"I'm not going to be able to do this one on my own.I'm gonna need your help too. We should get together so we can go over some stuff I dont know about and build our case good."

*Aerith looks up and smiles seeing Wyatt enter the dinner. Grabing a coke and water She puts in an order for Wyatt's normal and heads to the table puting the pop and water down and sliding across from Wyatt smiling.*

"Your in luck I just went on break."

*Aerith smiles as she take a sip of her water.*

"That is if you dont mind the company."

*Jamie looks up from her desk a bit saprised to see Con.*

"Con...I though...but you said..."

*Jamie stops for a moment and looks down at her work as a smile pass her lips.*

"I'll come willingly but your gonna have to drag me back here when you need to get back to work."

*Jamie shuts off her computer and stands grabing her keys.*

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