

Pulling over to the side of the road Jess gives a rub to her eyes. She had been driving for hours and she was getting tired.

Sleeping on the side of the road wasnt the best think in the word to do but she hadnt seen any motals to stop at insted so this would just have to do.

Locking the doors to the car Jess puts the seat back and closes her eyes. Just a few hours sleep was all she needed. Even if it wasnt a deep sleep something was better than nothing.

Hearing Rick's voice call her Katie looks up from her desk. Than receving Jason emotional message Katie is on her feet with in moment and grabbing her jacket sprinting up ro Jason and Rick as they head out of the infermary.

"Whats wrong? Whats happend?"

Katie continue to talk with Jason and Rick not sure what was going on but being able to hear in there voices whatever happend was not small.

I hope he is ok!

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